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Hey everyone!

Sadly, last week went a lot worst than the previous one.  My day job flared up again and took most of my time.  (We're approching a deadline which is making everyone scramble.)  I'll tentatively push the build release to this Sunday (the 10th) but it will all depend on how this week will go.  I'm sorry for the delay, guys. 

For a bit of good news, as you see, my lovely wife finished Charlotte in all her glory.  Now you have a clearer picture of the girl who will bend Mia to her will or who will get bent over a desk by a grinning formely mousy girl.

I hope you all have an awesome week!




Wow! Very nice indeed - the hair was always pretty notable, but that dress really pushes her over the top, in the best way. Glory is the right word for her, indeed - and I'm looking forward to what we can do to her.