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Hey everyone!

Man…  I think that it’s been awhile since I’ve been this late with a build.  Like my patrons know, it’s in part due to my lovely wife falling sick with a hell of a cold and me spending most of my free time nursing her and making her days a little less shitty.  She’s back on her feet at the moment but lost her voice due to all the coughing.  

As for the build, I’ve got about 17 more pages of text for you guys to oogle as well as the rough art for 3 backgrounds and 5 of the main characters.  No more having to use tone breaking Soldier’s life art at the moment.  (except for the main game frame but that’s probably pretty ok right now.)

I’ve also added the save/load function.  Just right click when playing the game and you’ll be able go to the save/load menu.  The cheat button will also be added to that menu later on when there’s more than just the base stats to cheat on the fly.  

I added the stats to the game too but I ran out of time to fully implement the reputation meter.  I almost had it working but then a bug came up so I rolled it back for this build since it will only really be relevant in the next one.  

Like usual, 2 posts down for the current build links and one down for the cheat password (yes, there’s already a reason to cheat if you want to see all the options right away).
