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Make sure to copy paste the whole link!  It usually breaks into two lines.   

WIN:  https://mega.nz/#!aBFVSD6K!ZwJ-p4hojd82FIieGClcryjpyX764bE50faUXDe49dU  

MAC:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Sz-dr_HDkIWW9OTkluWEZMd2M  

LINUX:  https://mega.nz/#!CVsxWCKY!CfktGmZaOOHOkQJYpkrhEscYhXG9P1IbnGfY1WDtKik



Is the build suppose to be blank? Because when I downloaded the game, there is no image and the game also for certain choices goes completely blank and hang and I can't play it anymore. Help please.