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Hey everyone!

I am back on the grind! ^_^

I'm currently ripping out the old raid mechanics to put in the new way of doing things. It will be more fun and easy to understand as I got some messages that people didn't get how raids even worked before.

The vacation was great! I feel recharged and raring to go. I think that in future years, I'll take a vacation in April. I noticed that I usually get exhausted in the summer of every year and I think it's because of the long stretch of no time off between X-mas and summer. I'll keep an eye on that.

My lovely wife finished another CG and is already halfway done with the next!

Have a great week guys! We are back on it!



Thanks! I think that's a good call. My last playthrough was a hard stop when I got to the raid... it was just too wtf. The main game loop was complex enough, and there is a decent amount to keep track of with all the off-map shenanigans involving the nobility in the capitol city. When the game chucked a whole new system and I could not immediately figure it out I just lost interest.