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Hey everyone!

Like I was starting to see last week, I don't think I'll be able to finish the writing this month. I pondered what I should do. It was between pushing the build another month or at least giving you guys something to play. I decided that I'll make a partial build so as to not blue ball you guys two months in a row. I'll put in the Felicity scenes so you guys can see the leadup to her part of the ending. I think that's the best of both worlds while I finish the last story bits.

My lovely wife is in the middle of the Felicity CG. Just need to color it at this point. ^_^

Love you guys! Have a good week!



Honestly, at this point I'll just wait whatever time it takes to finish it before playing the game, so whatever you choose is fine by me ; )


4️⃣ Maybe rethink what costs an action point and what doesn't? I can understand charging an AP to activate a deactivated building, but could you maybe NOT charge if an already-activated building is having its unit exchanged? Sometimes the unit you have available when the building is created isn't the best for that building, it can't be helped. Why punish the player by wasting precious AP? Why not encourage players to try other units in the activation slots of buildings? Or simply return more than 10 each Turn!


When (and how) do Hugar, Takgore, and Julianna "level up"?