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This is the last update of this year!

Happy Happy 2024 to all of you from the deepest darkest part of my heart!  Your support means the world to our team of creatives and I cannot thank you enough for keeping us making sexy ways of coping with the harshness of life. Sometimes a good laugh and a wank is the best answer for a break! 

Thank you so very much!   This page I thought was a fitting way to end the year with its incredible sexiness!


Devin Dickie

PS..Still 6 more pages of this comic coming in 2024!!

***A WARNING:  I will cancel ANY UNFINISHED COMIX or SERIES that get shared on the net.  If you don't wish to see our works discontinued then please don't share or repost our works. That's any comic that doesn't say "COMPLETE" at the back of the PDF.

Thank you for your continued patronage that makes these comics possible!  I put almost every cent back into the site... so thank you for your support.  :)

These comics are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE and VERY time consuming  to produce, so thank you for your SUPPORT!

Please do NOT SHARE or DO NOT REPOST please!!

These comics survive because of this site.

Thank you for your help in this!!

Feel free to download the most current chronological comic pdf below!



Graham Greene

Happy New Year to you and your family Devin thank you for another year of great artwork and we all look forward to what crazy cartoons 2024 have ahead for us!

stacy C

Hmmm this has been one of the best this past year. HNY Devin and thanks for all the wonderful comics u and the contributors keep giving us :-) x

Devin Dickie

Thank you Stacy! You've been awesome. The comments are always so welcomed and appreciated!