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Feel free to download the most current chronological comic pdf below!




Sorry babe but hubby is giving it to you, hes trying to but hes failing miserably


This might be one of favorite panels ever. It's so good on so many levels. First, the overall art style is so good, character body types, proportions, curves, and love face detail work, really excellent. Making his penis comparison panel in upper rights, is just unbelievably good. And love internal/x-ray choice for the inset. Second, the character development is so good, she is struggling with idea of fantasizing about another man, slow build to her actually going through with fucking Tavone, not so easy and without any emotional regret. This makes her feel more real, don't get me wrong I love some of our more comic character personas too, but for this story its a great choice. I hope you keep that trajectory for her. And with him, that fact that he has some confidence,trying to project masculinity for a while longer. Script and themes you used are just some of my favorites. Thanks, great work here.

Devin Dickie

I am very flattered by your words.... for a few reasons: one --this sequence is an ADDITION that i wrote myself that was absent in the script. This page the page before and the page after are from me. The rest is Tina Majors, but i think I am going to add some more as we get deeper into the script. 2. is because I love the slow development of these situations. Cuckolding and the surrendering of ones masculinity is no easy task. It can take courage or cowardice to submit depending on the person's psyche. I can't thank you enough for the comment.. It's deep comments like this that make me wish to do my very best in these comix.