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After a decade or more, my friend Throne who is one of our friends and writers has lost his deviant art account.  And while that might not seem like a big deal-- He is a person who loved his site and wrote HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of stories that he put on that platform.  A lot of them that he didn't have back up stories for on his computer.  

He is REALLY in upset about it.  As a creative I totally understand.

He has written some wonderful stories for us and comics.  He is a WONDERFUL SOUL and a GREAT and GENEROUS PERSON. 

I am not asking for money or financial support for him.

 I am asking all of you if you are a fan of one or more of his stories to please leave a message below that I can share with him to raise his spirits.  

I love his comic scripts and stories so much, and I can't imagine losing such a body of work.  

If you have some of his old stories from Deviant Art that you can share, please let me know.

I would really appreciate if you could please give some kind words or detailed praise to ANY BOOKS or SERIES or ANYTHING that THRONE has written.

It really sucks that people are so sensitive that they think that fantasy stories and erotica  in literature or writing should be censored, but that feel like where things are going. 

He's written the following:

A Changed Man (BIMBOBBC)


D.U.I. (Artist HS)


BETA BLOCKERS (Victor Serra)


Detrhoned Series (Drawn by Devin)


The Treatment (with Sorenutz)


Too Much Drama


Little Man on Campus (Both versions, ALBO and MICHI)


I'd really appreciate it if you could take a moment and write him a sweet comment about one his stories, I know he would love that, and I will forward all of the comments ... if you do not want to share in the comment feel free to direct message me on patreon. 

Thanks for listening.



That's got to be devastating. I've been disheartened whe nI'v written a long drawn out reddit post that got self deleted because I timed out because I took too long to wite it and it just dissapears. Can't imagine how he's feeling. Important lesson to always save back up copies.

Sissy Vicky Pussy Mouth

I signed back up just say how much I’ve loved reading throne these last ten years, hang in there 💕💕💕

Devin Dickie

Thank you for coming back! We really appreciate it. I 'll pass on the sentiments to Throne!