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I know... I know.... You guys get sick of doing it.  

But it means SO MUCH to me and the ARTISTS when you say something about their work (or in my case about the dialog.)  I share all of your comments with the artists and it TOTALLY MAKES their day.  

For the last few months no one is saying that much in the comments.  

No one HAS TO comment, but there is just something about artistic and creative endeavors that just flourishes under praise and positive comments.  If you you like something, say something.  It may seem SMALL(THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID)... But the Benefits are HUGE for us that work in front of computers making the lewdness that just seems to disappear into the internet void without a peep.

AS ALWAYS--- thank you for your awesome support and hope that everyone is having a good summer and will have an AMAZING WEEKEND!!



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