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Alright, just checked it out from start to finish, loved this! I'm presuming you can't cover boxing as a sport because it gets awkward with patreon tos?

Devin Dickie

I have some boxing stuff coming my friend. Boccaccio has a comic written by Safeword Ignored coming. I may have to find another place to put it since its right on the edge of tos.

Sir the ocean

Loved this comic. Think I usually enjoy the idea of a bull more than any bull specifically but this guy? Michi drew a bonafide HUNK. Really helps as you get into the betas mindset of, actually, having the hots for this stud all along, as much as he wants to deny it.

Devin Dickie

Thank you . He was a slight variation on the regular stud. A little more upfront and plain speak.