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First I want to give you all a heart-felt THANK YOU for staying with us. At the time of this post we are currently sitting at about 265 patrons.  As I have mentioned it takes about 400 patrons across all the tiers to maintain our current level of production. 

As promised last month, I am going to continue finishing out the comics that we've started on the site. I will keep posting, I guess till the money runs out.  So please continue to support (when you can-- I know it's expensive) 

So please don't worry, I PROMISE I'll be finishing out Cuckold Conundrum, Secrets, Colleague Coercion, Cuckold Trainer 3, Black Balled, More the Merrrier, Ring of Shame, Hen Night 2, Always Bet on Black and others.  No matter what.  I will keep them going to completion as a promise to you guys. So you can rest assured that I will not be axing them as a result of the leaks. 

However I will be cancelling certain comix that I just am not enjoying making anymore.  

  • Panty-Demic (Feel like I've gone as far as I want to go--- I had 125 pages plotted out-- but I am just not feeling it) 
  •  Divorce the Sissy(Massive rewrites on script)
  • Convention Conversion (ISSUES with script)

Since membership is almost HALF of last month- I need to to not put my efforts on anything that requires too much time and art resources from the site which right now will be limited.

People think that pirating and pirate sites don't have any consequences in small markets, because they think everyone is a HUGE NET.  This NICHE scene is SO SMALL. Like 1600 people small.  The rest of the net thinks these comics are bad and stupid and problematic.

So thank you again for you help in making these comics, and being patient with me as we try to do this as long as we're able. 

Thank you again. 

Devin Dickie



Thank so much for sharing and im sorry this has happened. I love your work and everything you do. The comics you made have helped me find myself in different ways. I wish you nothing but the best ❤


Love your work dude and everything you've done for such a creative scene. Hang tough!


Just a thought, as I always review my monthly spendings here on Patreon, it might be helpful to do less complex visuals as many of the images are and rather product more frequent, that entertains the subscribers and might keep the number high. I understand that the more complex visuals take a lot of time. Personally I found the divorce a sissy and convention conversation too complex visually, I am sure it took a lot of time to produce but the subscribers might not even appreciate them as much. You and your team do a great job with all what you do though.


Dam, I thought convention conversion had potential. Anyway, another idea, how many people are interested in the lower tier comics? I know I'm not. Maybe a middle/high tier where you cut out the cheaper stuff and just give the top range stuff. If I'm right and a lot of others are like that, it might be more viable, that way you have to commision less overall and it'll bring the price point down so maybe more people can subscribe? Just floating ideas. xox

Devin Dickie

I might bring it back if we get more support. When we dip under 350 patrons it gets tough to maintain everything. The thing is that patrons all have very different tastes. So right now I am just killing the ones that where having difficulties on my end.

Devin Dickie

Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, I actually am getting rid of the head ache projects for now. (That doesn't mean I won't finish them up at a much later date-- but for now) PantyDemic, Convention Conversion and Divorce the sissy were all giving me problems