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Dear patreons,

Someone here leaked our entire catalogue again with an active pipeline to an outside site that has more members than we do.

I am taking a break and a week to think about whether I want to do these comics anymore.

Someone actively gave their login as a "contributer" to a site that is so horrible that it actively and automatically clones the site behind the paywall.

If you've been with us for a while and supported us, please realize that I know that it's not fair to you, but on the other hand I don't know what to do.

If I do nothing then people take what they want with impunity and Our site just dwindles because of sales.

I don't want to be the person who is paying for the world to get off on these comics that only a small percentage of people of contributes to helping create the work.  Since I am producing the work with a narrative in mind, I am taking the upfront financial risk and then paying myself back always. Since last summer's last big leak, I have only been barely breaking even.

Since the last big leak last summer, we were just over the last few months started to break 400 patrons across all of our tiers and that's when we start to actually get out of the negative balance of the site.

For all of the patreons, I ask you what I should do?

Because the money here will run out. Producing 50 pages/Illustrations of a Scripted work per month is VERY VERY VERY EXPENSIVE.  Since the online week (2 days ago) we've only had 3 sign ups.  Our Friday average is at least 15 sign ups.  So anyone saying piracy doesn't hurt, doesn't actually own an online business.

I haven't decided whether to start cancelling comics, starting new ones, or quitting all together.  With the climate of the world maybe that's what I should do is quit making comics.

Its starting to feel like it's not worth it.

I am going to take a week to think about what I want to do.

Bottom line for all of those people who have supported and continue to support us, you don't deserve this, and I am trying to think of a solution that keeps you satisfied, but doesn't ope the site to ruin.

Since there is an open and clear pipeline to another site right now, I have to think if I want to post anything else at all this month.


Floyd Fluffnstuf

It's terrible. I'm sorry to hear this.

Sissy Jessicaa

I'm sorry to hear this .. you and your team are honestly super talented and we support whatever decision you make (even though I'd hate to see you leave)

Marcello Nunes

this is very difficult, I imagine it must seem like fighting against a wall, with no prospect of being able to knock it down. commcertexa is a huge frustration.


I'm sorry to hear this, I just became a patron and I have no plans to leave I´d hate to see you quitting, hope you find a way to solve this situation

Sir the ocean

Not sure what the motivation is behind something like this. Whole community loses out. Do whatever you need to do and thank you.


I greatly appreciate what you do, and pay top dollar to participate. I really hope you keep on doing your beautiful work.

stacy C

Hoping you will continue ....these types of comics are very rare :-( x


I don't understand how these leaks hit your subscriber numbers? If they are subscribers, wouldn't they already have access to them?

Devin Dickie

The leak has 400+ followers and is absolutely going to destroy our site. It's only one subscriber that is doing this, though it may be an agent of the site in question.

John Kelly

Thinking of you in this difficult time

Garande victor

you make a really great work, all your comics are 😍😍😍 don’t leave us 😭😭