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***A WARNING:  I will cancel ANY UNFINISHED COMIX or SERIES that get shared on the net.  If you don't wish to see our works discontinued then please don't share or repost our works. That's any comic that doesn't say "COMPLETE" at the back of the PDF.

Thank you for your continued patronage that makes these comics possible!  I put almost every cent back into the site... so thank you for your support.  :)

These comics are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE and VERY time consuming  to produce, so thank you for your SUPPORT!

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These comics survive because of this site.

Thank you for your help in this!!

Feel free to download the most current chronological comic pdf below!




The pages are zoomed in for some reason any fix for this?


It's the pdf download. Using mobile device and the pages download in a zoomed in format.

Devin Dickie

I don't know how to solve that. I use a Laptop and can only test it there and on my PC. the files seem fine when I look at them on my PC.

Devin Dickie

Are you viewing on Mac or android?

Devin Dickie

In fact I just bumped the pixel count of the pdf's times 10x for 10 times more resolution as of 2 weeks ago.

Katie Kisscock

Hey Devin I think I can shed some light on this issue as I am having a similar problem. I believe bumping the pixel count is having the opposite reaction than you intended. Standard viewing platforms like adobe and google chrome don't seem to have the capacity by default to render super high-quality photos easily. In my case, what's happening is that the pdf is somehow being compressed so that when I open the new files in chrome or adobe, the viewing shows a high-quality image..... at 12% zoom. Then when I try to zoom in, the picture gets really big and when I try to zoom out, the platforms locks me at 25% keeping me stuck in a zoomed in image. A quick fix solution is to view everything in full screen as this fixes all viewing problems (but this only works on adobe), full screen on chrome is still zoomed in. -OR- simply stick to viewing all comics on Patreon, the website works just fine. At least for me, there are no issues on mobile. I think you should probably set the pixel count back to what you had it before as those came through with no viewing problems.

Katie Kisscock

The low res file is perfect

Candy Coxx

No issues for me. And my next favorite line with both girls getting him all dressed up “He’s gonna look so fuckable”!