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Maybe you haven't been here in a while or you just want to support, but our site has had some financial struggles over the last two months, I am trying to not let it effect our work, but we are starting to have to slowdown on some future comics that are down the pipeline.

However, If we get 400 patrons before the end of the month I will bring back Patty Cakes 2021  and finish it out.

Unfortunately we haven't been hitting our target and I've had to go down to a little over 10 pages per week which is our 400 patron minimum to upkeep.  400 members across all tiers is what it takes to maintain our site as it has been for the last 2 years, with 10 updates weekly. 

If you love our comics, and want to support us and are in a position to do so, please consider coming back to help (I get it's tough times out there, so please don't put yourself in a bad place by helping if you are unable)

Thank you so much!

In other news.

We have some NEW Artists starting in the $45 Tier this month and a REBOOT of Sissy School Spirit in the $15 Tier by Capt. Dong!

Here is a sneak peek!




Notice me Devin! 😃