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Hey guys I found an OLD OLD piece of art in the folder that was mis labeled and NEVER POSTED... I posted the first on on but not the second piece.  The artist is BD, this was his last work with us.  But I love it.  

I hope that you guys like it too. :) 

***A WARNING:  I will cancel ANY UNFINISHED COMIX or SERIES that get shared on the net.  If you don't wish to see our works discontinued then please don't share or repost our works. That's any comic that doesn't say "COMPLETE" at the back of the PDF.

Thank you for your continued patronage that makes these comics possible!  I put almost every cent back into the site... so thank you for your support.  :)

These comics are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE and VERY time consuming  to produce, so thank you for your SUPPORT!

Please do NOT SHARE or DO NOT REPOST please!!

These comics survive because of this site.

Thank you for your help in this!!



Devin Dickie

From the archives. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed and lose a small piece of art. (it doesn't happen much--but it does happen) This is one such time. I am so glad I stumbled upon it . I miss BD's work :(

Josh Slouvi

Said it before and I'll say it again"I Love Black Dommes" 😋

Devin Dickie

It make me sad that I can't get BD to make anymore of these for us. I LOVED the way he did black women!