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First as always, I am very grateful to all of you for your support. As always I am and will always be grateful for the excellent support that you guys help with. If it wasn't for you all the comics in this tier wouldn't exist.

I am pretty upset this morning as I went to the forums 

There is a completely selfish person in this tier that has leaked a a great deal of our $55 tier comics out there on the free forums. We'll see how damaging it is in a month.  However leaking comics like Panty-demic has consequences.  I have warned this site a few times about that comic.  Its a comic that I work REALLY hard on and I write everything for. So a leak like this posting the most recent of Panty-Demic puts me into a creatively bankrupt area.  It does NOT make me want to work on it, and it does NOT make me feel good to create it. I will be posting the most recent page of Panty-demic this Friday.

 I don't know when I will do another page of Pantydemic.... maybe never.  

I killed "A Day at the Beach" for less than that. 

I don't think that some of you understand.  I DON'T MAKE MUCH MONEY DOING THIS.  Our average page is $100-$250/PER COMIC PAGE for artists... i also pay writers well.  I do this ... I think you can all see because I love the fetish.  It's acts like this leak that WILL make me quit.   This is NOT MY MAIN JOB! 

It has taken EVERY BIT of my resolve to NOT JUST shut the site down this morning.  EVERY BIT. The ONLY reason that I didn't is because the majority of you are great patrons that understand how much time and work these comics take.

And you don't deserve to be punished because of the actions of one or two BAD PEOPLE, so I am going to finish the commissions I have open for the site, (meaning I will be doing updates this week) then I think I am going to reconsider if I want to do this anymore.

Sites like Lustomic are struggling compared to the old days because of these forums.

I know it's a stupid analogy-- but How long do you think a restaurant will last if everyone is eating for free?

It has been almost a YEAR since our last leak, and we were JUST NOW recovering from the loss in signups... Hence the 13-17 posts for the last few weeks.  Those happen when the site is SUCCESSFUL. When the site doesn't make it's overhead there are less posts.

But hey---its digital, and you paid a lot for it so you can be a hero on the forums and help chip away at something you "SUPPORT" .  That's what happens.

EVERY LEAK brings me a step closer to finding something ELSE to be productive with.

I don't want to sound ungrateful.  I AM GRATEFUL to all of you that simply enjoy, support, and you know RESPECT the creator's wishes to not share the content.

I have somethings to think about. 



Alison St John

I'm so sorry to read this, I've been very vocal in my support of artists on many social media forums, I can't really tell you how much I value these amazing stories and those artists and story creators who work so hard, I will continue to support you all wholeheartedly regardless of what you decide to do, just be clear I appreciate everything you do ❤️

Devin Dickie

Thank you Alison! You've been incredible in the short amount of time that you have been here with us! I do appreciate your help. Its not so much leaks on social as it is leaks on two very specific forums, which in my opinion is extremely fucking over artists all around... granted some of them drives traffic here, but ultimately I have to fight with those sites on BING and GOOGLE just so I can out engine search them for my own comix.... there is something horribly wrong about that.

Alison St John

Well I will continue to support and do the little things to highlight this wonderful Patreon 🙏❤️

Josh Slouvi

Sucks man, to be honest I used to only know you through the leaks, that's why I joined up. So I didn't have to wait for leaks. So I agree your intellectual property being leaked is garbage considering you pay artists but you may get some people signing up for it. Have you considered not giving PDFs and just putting the content out? Then if they want to leak it they have to work at it


Again i'm a big fan of this site and I enjoy all the art and artists here ,but my true joy comes from 2 main stories Snowden White and Pantidemic- Never let the bad people win by throwing in the towel and leaving us ,loyal fans.Not to be melodramatic but this site helps me escape the reality of my life as a disabled sr. citizen.But I will respect your wishes regardless of the outcome and will continue to support this site and you as a artist and human being trying to provide entertainment for so many.

Devin Dickie

Thanks for the silver lining. I do think it is important for people to see the real causality of the situation from a collective site POV. The leaks have only been out for half a day and already we've lost over 30 people. (these are the lower tiers that see something better and drop their support usually) No matter how many people that we happen to get from 8 muses doesn't equal the amount of losses. The worst part is that when 8 muses gets these comics I have to send Mulitple DMCA takedown notices JUST so that I can be the FIRST search pop up on search engines for my own work... that takes more time that I could be lettering or editing works for the site.

Devin Dickie

Snowden is ok. for now no one is attacking that site hardly. we've had a few leaks, but not many people are after it like this site's content. The problem with Pantydemic is that its "MY BABY" and I do mental acrobatics at night trying to push the humiliation further farther. So when things like this happen it just DRAINS those creative juices. The sad thing is that the leak came Thank you for being kind and being a fan and patron. I am just SUPER DUPER PISSED today

John Kelly

Sorry to heat about this. Pantydemic and a day at the beach are some of your best work - but your frustration is valid and i dont blame you for your reaction


Good luck, your work is amazing. I find it really bad the selfishness of some people especially that many of us pay dearly to see and appreciate your work.

Stephen Christopher Toft

Hi Devin, it is a shame that a few spoil it for the majority, I know you put a lot of work into the site. I hope you may find out who is responsible. But please keep up the good work for all your loyal fans. Thanks.

Devin Dickie

Thank you. Its sad. But there are some good people out there. I was having a meltdown on the forums as they looted our top tier work and then the moderators stepped in to be helpful. I had the delete my patron open, that's how upset I was. I am happy that there are great people with kind hearts that see we are trying to do something as a group together ot make wicked toons and comix.

Devin Dickie

Hey there SCT! Thank you for acknowledging the hours and work I put into this site. The sad thing is is that that persons actions became a bigger assault on our content on the forum.--leading to them sharing every unfinished comix that we have here making it almost personal, like they want to show how frustrated that they are at me which is weird because they enjoy our content but are willing to tear us down in order to get it. Thank god that the moderators of said forum finally stepped in before I nuked my site after feeling our entire virtual store get looted in real time yesterday. Thank god there are good people out there. Its weird to say it but a moderator at a pirate site, is the person who stopped me from throwing in the towel.

Devin Dickie

Thank you for all your support! I adore each of you and I am grateful that we can still make some cool stuff.


:'( Do you have control over the forum? Can't you delete it?

Sissy Vicky Pussy Mouth

Always sorry to hear this kind of stuff. Just remember you don’t owe us to do this forever, you’ve done more than enough already

Devin Dickie

I can't delete it. The forum is run by a nyc company and hosts their servers on a Russian site.


You've already done all the work... Ass-hole leakers are just making more difficult for you to earn a honest buck! Sorry you're going through this crime!


Dickie, Always remember - you have fans that do understand & support you.

Graham Greene

Man, it really angers me to read this and l honestly thought we were past this idiotic leak crap! What kind of idiot pays to get access to this great artwork then goes and leaks it for free! Do what you have to do Devin, l truly hope you keep the site going I've been supporting it for many years now but ultimately, either way, I'd respect your decision.