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Sissy Vicky Pussy Mouth

This is such a fun scenario, not overtly humiliating, but still I think everyone can imagine it happening to them


Very hot. Cherry on top would be that his shorts being pulled down revealed him wearing pink panties!


I like these SPH scenarios we’ve seen from Disatren; especially where it’s a teenage coming of age time

Devin Dickie

You and me my friend... That highschool (+18) everything is new and innocent and the shame cuts the DEEPEST then!

Gabreil Thompson

Love the SPH. I also love the thought that on is dating him and the other is her lesbian lover.


I absolutely love this and would love to see more. I think these ones hit hard because most of us were subject to our first humiliation during this period, and it’s where/when our brains were re-wired to process/sexualise the trauma. This one encapsulates that in one panel.


I love sph. This comic is just amazing