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Hey Everyone,

Someone just leaked "The PLEDGE"  

We spend about $6000k on that comic alone.  We lost 250 patrons and 80 after the leak of THE PLEDGE with in 3 days of the leak.

Literally I ask you guys to NOT POST or SHARE.

Well-- Someone is sharing or Posting.  I am not going to stop posting the comics (EVEN THOUGH EVERY FIBER OF ME WANTS TO) because that wouldn't be fair to everyone that helped make the book.  But I'd be lying if I said that my heart isn't in it.

Because of the leaks to THE PLEDGE and HONEY BUNNY... the subs and patrons start to drop off.

I've been posting about (10-14 posts WEEKLY)  $2K or more WEEKLY worth of content.  Do you think I can keep up if our numbers drop off?

I am just reaching out there to the person who is still here and has shared or reposted.  Leaking our comics will kill this site.

We've been good, because normally we don't have that many leaks.

So I am letting you guys know that I will need to slow down production after this month. I won't be able to go over the 10 updates weekly if things continue like this.


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