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I have a few more coming tonight, but I got a late start and will be finishing the weekly updates tomorrow.  

On a serious front, Boccaccio just had a loss in the family.  So there won't be Panty-Demic this week.  Boccaccio is having a rough few weeks the surgery last week and now this. Feel free to send a shout out here if you want to send your thoughts to him and I will forward.  I really feel for him.  It's hard to lose a close family member, 

I will be updating a few other pieces in the meantime to fill the void.  

Thank you for your patience.  PantyDemic is a HUGE book and sometimes life gets in the way. 

I will be doing a few more updates tonight, but finishing up everything else tomorrow. 

The good news is there are NEW ARTISTS popping up in here tomorrow :) 

Coming tonight and tomorrow:

  • Intimates
  • Tab109
  • Captain Dong (New Artist)
  • Queens of the Black Isle!
  • Wife's Opening Night!


Gabreil Thompson

Please pass on my well wishes to Boccaccio.

Stephen Christopher Toft

Please pass on my best. I have been where he is lossing a very close family member. Time will help him heal. thanks.


Im very sorry for your lose my heart goes out to you and your loved ones. Its never easy losing someone. Its important to take time for yourself and heal please do not worry about us. We will be just fine. Make sure to take care of yourself and those around you during these tough times. We love you and hope things get easier for you.❤❤❤❤