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Hey guys,

Boccaccio just had an emergency medical procedure and will be a little behind for a while. (maybe a week)  

Let's wish him good luck on his recovery. If you want to leave a message here, I will screen grab and show some love if you guys want to share any well wishes. 

Sorry for the delay.  I hope that he gets well soon. 

If you'd like to leave a kind word below for a "QOS GET WELL SOON CARD" please do so below.  You can say encouraging things about his art too if you want to cheer him up!  



I appreciate the hard work and entertainment that you provide and hope you have a quick recovery I wish you and yours peace


Oh man thats never fun I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about us just take for yourself to heal properly we will be here when you return :)

Graham Greene

Get well soon Boccia! As much as we love your work, your health comes first! Make sure you get well and good and we'll still be here waiting for your excellent cartoons! :-)