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Hey Guys!  

I don't like to bug you guys with OFF SITE stuff.  

BUT.....If you are a fan of WRITTEN EROTICA, please continue:

We have another site, that is dedicated to the same type of stories as here, except in story form.  

It's PATREON.COM/QoSBookclub!

We just started a deal with TINA MAJORS to write new BIG STORY every month.  

Her debut "THE WASH!"



I am not blowing smoke up your asses, it's legitimately GREAT TO READ!! 

If you have the a mind for written work, I try to bring solid writers to stories that help me decide which of my many ideas to flesh out for comix. 

We have stories from INCREDIBLE WRITERS:

  • The beautifully worded stories of Tara Yarn
  • The deeply wicked mind of Remy Leone
  • The inventive well roundedness word of Max Swan
  • The relentless written work of Brian Masters
  • The out of the box mindset of Satinslip
  • The Incomparable THRONE!
  • and now with INTENSE TINA MAJORS!

(I highly suggest you take a read and tell me that they aren't some of the BEST EROTICA WORKS you've read in this genre)


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