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Hey everyone!  

Please take a moment to read this.

As of yesterday we had a site leak of Hen Night! 


Here is  a MAJOR REASON that you SHOULD NOT SHARE our comics and Toons from the page.  Please hear me out.

I walk the razor's edge on this platform with our humiliation fantasies and also live in constant fear of being shutdown from the site.

--There are many people out there that do NOT ENJOY our comics or EVEN JUDGE our comics based on Power exchanges and S/M dynamics, alone not to mention the IR elements. 

Currently our comics have LIMITED EXPOSURE to the FULL INTERNET and it should remain that way for as long as possible.  The real reason  is WE should keep this FETISH BUBBLE as CLOSED as possible.  

Right now if someone wants to seek out our comics, and joins up, they are already a fan of the genre or are at least curious to it.  They find us and support us to make more comics.  

HOWEVER... when leaked comics hit the net, they not only weaken our signups and in turn weaken our ability to continue to produce new comics based on lowering the value of our collective vault, while at the same time putting our content out there for many NON FANS to see it, be offended by, and judge it in a way THAT MIGHT JEOPARDIZE the site. 

I do this as a hobby, but when I see a leak it upsets me to point of not even doing updates, and makes me question even doing these comics anymore.  I don't want to get to a place when I say FUCK IT,  but each time these leaks happens it brings me another step closer to stopping.

If you enjoy our comics, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't share them.


Gabreil Thompson

I can understand that wish I could help more. It's very rude of someone to share something they were asked to keep to themselves just big assholes

Stephen Christopher Toft

Hi Devin I agree with Gabreil, hope this does not happen again. A shame you cannot find out who it is and block them, after all we pay for the priviledge to see the stories why should someone get them free. all the best Chris.

