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Hey guys, 

Sorry for the lack of updates.  Those of you that have been here for a while, know that this is not like me.  I work long a hard hours to make awesome content.   However was a passenger in a car accident over this weekend. I injured my drawing hand and arm with sprains and multiple contusions.  I will be going slower than normal as the sprains heal.  I  apologize for the speed.  Things will pick up as the pain my wrist  heals.  They said 2-3 weeks

I will be updating some works that I have done.  and dialoging some.. but it takes me a long time with one hand.  (this statement is taking entirely too long to write)

To be honest the $15 tier will suffer the most only because I draw that style as I feel motivated for the single panels .... there will be a NEW Voids JAILBAIT and  Albo's A DAY AT THE BEACH  in the $15 Tier.  

The updates in the $30 tier will most likely see more The Dance Dupe, because its the art in the place that it needs to be with very little rewrites.

The updates in the $45 tier will most likely see more SUCH A WUSSY, because its the art in the place that it needs to be with very little rewrites.

Thank you for your patience.  I hate that I have to listen to me body for a little while.

I will make up for the $75 Customs at the end of the month, depending on my healing progress.



Glad to hear your ok for the most part. Hope everyone else was ok too. Heal up good buddy :)

Benjamin Marshall

All the best for the recuperation :D Don't know where we would be without you but your take you time of course and back to your old self soon .


Hey man get well soon. Sorry to hear about your misfortune but it sounds like you escaped lightly scathed, so that’s good.

Graham Greene

sorry to hear that bro, hope your hand heals soon. Your work is excellent and I cant wait to catch up on the Dance Dupe, my favourite of the new batch!!!