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First and Last
By Brian Masters
From an idea and outline by Devin Dickie 

Tony sat alone in a crowded coffee shop staring at the newspaper with tears in his eyes. He felt completely lost and alone with no hope of finding happiness again since the losses he’d faced in the past 48 hours. Tony worked as a paralegal for a small firm run by Reginald Jones, a prominent attorney who had worked his way up from the projects to become a wealthy and successful litigator. 

Tony and his boss couldn’t be more different in both demeanor and presentation. For his part, Tony was small of frame, pale, and feminine looking. He stood just under 5 foot 3 inches tall and weighed a paltry 105 pounds. His complexion was light and his curly, blonde, hair reached just past his ears. From behind Tony had been mistaken for a woman or even a teenaged girl many time much to his eternal embarrassment. 

Reginald, or Reggie as he liked to be called, was almost a polar opposite to his small, white employee. Reggie towered over most men at 6 foot 3 inches tall and weighed in at an impressive 220 pounds of solid muscle. He was a proud black man with a shaved head and immaculately shaved beard kept close to his dark skin. To say Reggie was imposing to look at would be an understatement as most men found reasons to stay on his good side at all times. 

Thinking about his boss’ features left Tony with a sinking feeling that he never should have introduced the man to his wife, Christy. Tony was feeling so low, he was starting to blame himself for Christy leaving him. Tony and Christy had been married 5 years, 3 of which Tony had spent working under Reggie in his law office, before the fateful night when the foolish white boy introduced his buxom bride to his powerful boss. 

Tony thought back to that night several months ago and felt foolish for not seeing the signs right away. His wife, Christy, had insisted they invite Tony’s boss to dinner at their home as she was getting tired of the long hours Tony was required to work and wanted to speak to the man responsible face to face. 


Tony thought of the way his wife had looked that night and shuddered at the sexy image she portrayed even going so far as to chastise her for dressing provocatively when his boss was coming over. Christy got angry and told Tony to mind his own business as she never got the chance to dress up these days since he was always working and she wanted to look good for his boss. 

Christy was a beautiful woman with flowing blond hair reaching past her shoulders, long tan legs that made the transition to her beautiful hips so smooth and seamless you would think god himself had crafted them. She had a perfect round ass that swayed majestically as she walked hypnotizing even the most pious of men and more than a few women lucky enough to walk behind her. But it was her breasts that drew everyone’s attention. Christy was blessed with perfect, natural, firm and tight breasts that measured a stunning 36DD and were always on display as she loved to show off her décolletage at every opportunity. She enjoyed the way men began to mumble and stutter as they tried valiantly to look her in the eye. 

Reggie and Christy spent the entire evening flirting with each other and poor Tony felt as if they didn’t even know he was in the room. He of course shared his thoughts with Christy after Reggie had left that evening but she told him he was being silly. That had been months ago and now as Tony sipped his coffee he thought about how silly he felt last night when he walked into his home to find Reggie fucking Christy from behind on the bed she shared with Tony. 

Tony became angry and made a move toward the two cheaters but a menacing look from Reggie froze him in his tracks. Tony sniffed back a tear as he sipped his coffee and felt the shame of last night overwhelm him again. He had done nothing to stop his boss from finishing off inside his wife. In fact, Tony had stood there and watched for a full 30 minutes as Reggie pounded Christy relentlessly making her scream out orgasm after orgasm. Tony was shocked at the sight. His wife was vision of lust, her hair sticking to her face from the sweat that dripped into the valley of her swaying breasts. Behind her, Reggie had the look of a warrior god as he fucked his woman with the strength and passion of a real man. When the two lovers finished in an epic shared climax they collapsed onto the bed taking their time to light a joint and each take a long toke before looking over at the now sobbing and cuckolded husband. Tony took that moment to stare through his tears at the massive tool that had just exited his wife’s steaming 


pussy. Reggie’s cock was enormous! It had to be at least 10 inches long and was as thick as Tony’s forearm. 

Christy said, “Well now you know. Get over it wimp. I got so tired of your useless little pecker I went out and got a real man with a real cock to satisfy me.” 

Reggie laughed and said, “Thank you darlin, I appreciate the kind words.” Then, looking to Tony he said, “As for you little man, I think you should leave quietly. The last thing you want is to make a scene right now. Besides you definitely don’t want me beating your ass since it looks like you have a lot to deal with personally. But let me lay it all out for you. Your wife is mine now. It’s that simple. She’ll be moving in with me and we’ll be selling this house since it’s in her name anyway. So you have exactly 3 hours to clear out all your shit. Anything you leave here today we are throwing out. That’s right boy, you’ve lost your wife and your home. Now, let’s talk about your job. You still have one and I expect you to be at work as usual on Monday morning. You’ll have the weekend to find a new place to live. We’ll be emptying your accounts but will leave you with a small stipend to get you back on your feet, we aren’t heartless after all.” Reggie and Christy both laughed at this and Tony felt tears running down his face as he left the laughing couple to their post coital bliss and began packing his clothes. Tony couldn’t even find his voice and like the weak, little, sissy, white boy that he is, he packed up his things and crept out of the house to the sounds of his wife sucking her lover’s impressive cock back to fighting form. 

Now sitting alone with his thoughts and the few meager possessions he’d managed to pack on his way out of his former home, Tony looked forlornly at the classified ads in the paper trying desperately to find a place to stay. Through his despair came a shining beacon filling the poor white boy’s heart with hope. After an hour of fruitless searching Tony came upon an ad which read: 

Southside Rentals 

Affordable Luxury Apartments! Newly Divorced Special:
Live like you’re
SINGLE again!! 

First and Last Month RENT UPFRONT Ask for Terrence Towers
(555) 883-6969 


Not wanting to waste any time Tony dialed the number right away and spoke to Mr. Towers who told him to stop in now and look at the only unit available to rent. The man told Tony he was very lucky to call as the apartment had just become available today and would probably go quickly so if Tony wanted to take a look he’d better hurry. 

Tony gathered up his belongings and rushed out of the coffee shop jumping in his car with a renewed spirit. Maybe this was a sign that things would be alright after all. His heart was very heavy with the thought of his wife’s betrayal and he still worried about how he could possibly walk in to work on Monday to face her new lover but Tony tried desperately to remain optimistic as he drove to look at what could very well be his new home. 

When he arrived at the building Tony saw right away it was a nice looking brownstone with 5 stories. The neighborhood wasn’t exactly the best and had a reputation for being rather rough and “ethnically diverse” but Tony’s choices were limited and the price seemed right so he decided to go in and take a look. 

As he walked up to the door Tony saw what appeared to be a rather disheveled transvestite who was openly crying, her makeup running down her face. She was carrying two boxes which had slutty looking female clothing hanging out of them and it looked as though she’d packed in a hurry. Tony stepped out of her way and watched as she walked lopsided on one high heel as the other had obviously broken off. She wore a very short pink skirt with white stockings that were torn in several places, her heel was easily 5 inches high and Tony wondered how she managed to walk with only one complete shoe. Her top was a darker shade of pink and was cut to expose her bare midriff. Tony had noticed as she passed both a belly ring and writing across her ample bosom. Written across what Tony believed had to be fake tits was the word “Whore” in bright red cursive writing. To complete the look was shoulder length blonde hair but Tony couldn’t tell if it were a wig or not. 

Shaking his head Tony walked into the building and up to the door marked Manager at the end of the first floor hallway. Tony noticed 3 other doors and doing quick calculations figured a total of 20 units if each floor had 4 apartments. 


Tony knocked on the door and took a step back as it opened immediately and a large form stepped out into the hallway forcing the small white boy back out of sheer size and presence. 

The little white boy squeaked like a mouse and dropped his suitcase becoming flustered by the intrusive large man standing before him. Tony’s mouth hung open as he looked up at the man. To say he was big is an understatement. Tony had thought his boss Reggie was an imposing figure but even he would be dwarfed by this giant. He looked like a linebacker standing at least 6 foot 6 inches and easily weighing 250 pounds. He was well defined with rippling muscles that stretched his T-shirt and appeared to be ready to bust out at any moment. Not wanting to, but having no control over it, Tony looked down to see those muscles extended to the man’s legs as well with toned thighs and calves making him look like a spokes model for a gym. Tony was embarrassed to find his eyes lingering on the bulging crotch of the powerful man as the tight shorts he wore left nothing to the imagination. Hearing the man clear his throat, Tony looked up blushing fiercely as he took in the man’s face. The man was blacker than night with a clean shaven face and head. His eyes were dark gray, a color Tony had never seen in someone’s eyes before. Those eyes were narrowed in distain but a slight smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. 

“What?” the man said in a tone that implied Tony had better have a good reason for being there. Tony stammered out an introduction sounding like a weak little boy as he spoke. 

“Hello sir” the white boy stuttered, “My name is Tony and I’m looking for Terrence Towers”. 

“Oh yeah” the black man said, “We talked on the phone. I’m Terry. Yeah, you want to look at the apartment right”? 

Tony said that was correct and the man walked past him throwing a command to follow over his shoulder. Feeling foolish for his clumsy behavior, Tony picked up his suitcase and followed behind the large man to a staircase in the middle of the hall. They walked down to the basement and Tony was a bit disturbed as he assumed all the apartments were above ground. 

As they entered the basement Tony saw a large room with 4 washing machines and 4 dryers with a utility sink and several shelves with assorted 


cleaning materials stored there. Walking through that room they stopped in front of a door marked B1 where Terry pulled out a set of keys and opened the door. Terry reached in and turned on the light moving aside so Tony could walk in. Tony was immediately disgusted by what he saw. The apartment was very small having only 2 rooms. The first was a utility living room, kitchen, bedroom and the second was the bathroom. To the right was the kitchen area consisting of a stove, microwave, fridge, sink and a small table suitable for one or two people. The rest of the room held a couch and recliner, a small tv, a dresser and a small closet. The couch had been pulled out into a bed so Tony was certain this was all there was to the unit. The bathroom was grim as well. It held a tub, toilet and sink in a very small area. Tony also noticed there were no windows at all in the unit which gave it an even gloomier feel. 

Knowing he could never stay here Tony said to the large black man, “I’m sorry to have wasted your time but this is really not what I’m looking for. Thank you but I’ll be going if there are no other apartments to rent.” 

Terry looked down at the white boy with an angry glare that assured Tony he did not like having his time wasted at all. The big man turned and walked away as if Tony didn’t exist at all. Tony followed quickly back into the laundry room and was surprised to see 3 women there loading laundry into the machines. They were all stunningly beautiful women in their later 20s or early 30s. All three of them stopped what they were doing and said hello to Terry. 

The first was a gorgeous brunette in a tank top and daisy duke shorts. She smiled and said, “Hey there T” in a sultry, flirty voice. 

The second woman, also brunette put her hand on Terry’s shoulder and said, “What’s happening big guy”? 

The last woman tossed her long blonde hair from her face with a sexy shake of her head and said, “Hey Terry it’s good to see you, who’s your friend”? 

Terry smiled at the women and after greeting them said, “Oh he ain’t my friend he’s just some cracker that don’t want the apartment”. 

All three ladies made disappointed noises and shared their disappointment to the two men. Tony was in shock. These women were amazing and they all lived 


here. He was regretting his quick dismissal of the apartment and began to stammer out a quick repeal of his previous statement. 

“Well”, Tony said, “Maybe I was too quick. I mean it is a nice location and it has everything I need. I mean I am soon to be divorced so I don’t need a lot of room. Maybe we could talk about it Mr. Towers”. 

One of the brunettes said, “Oh that’s great! I’m Deb and that beautiful blonde is Laura and that tall, sexy girl is Erica. You’re such a cute little fella we’d be thrilled to have you here”. 

Although Tony wasn’t crazy about being called “cute little fella” he found himself blushing and saying, “Why thank you, that sounds lovely”. 

Terry put his large hand on Tony’s shoulder and said, “You better be sure little man. I don’t want to be jerked around here. Do you want the place or not?” 

Tony looked at the women again and smiling like an idiot said, “Yes sir. I do. I want the apartment. Please. Sir”. 

“Oh he’s respectful of his betters too Terry. He’s a keeper”, Deb said. 

Tony was put off by that remark but was too enraptured by the 3 sirens to say anything. He just took the offered key from Terry and made his way back upstairs with the large black man to the office to sign the lease. 

Terry handed Tony a thick document which he had turned to the last page and then gave the white boy a pen. As Tony made a move to turn back to the first page to read the lease, Terry stopped him and said, “I ain’t got time for that shit today boy, either sign or go find someplace else. I’m busy”. 

Tony was greatly intimidated by the black man who was now leaning over him. Tony could smell the man’s musk and knew without looking that his impressive package was right there at eye level as he sat at the desk. The aroma coming from Terry was a combination of sweat from his pits and crotch as well as the natural pheromones of a strong, dominant man. Tony found himself becoming uncomfortable as the scent was having an adverse effect on him. He wasn’t certain but he could swear he was becoming aroused. This thought made Tony squirm in his seat and he wanted nothing more than to get out of the office 


right away. He signed the lease without reading it and made as if to get up from the chair. 

Terry smiled down at the white boy but didn’t move out of his way. In fact the imposing black man moved in a little closer and stood to his full height which had the effect of pushing his crotch closer to Tony’s face. 

Tony tried to look up but the ceiling light made it impossible to look at Terry’s face so he lowered his eyes to the only place he could look, right at the bulge in Terry’s shorts. 

Terry’s smile grew as he became amused at the boy’s discomfort and he said, “I’m always here. I’m always watching. I always know everything that goes on here. I’ll make sure that lease is enforced to the letter. Now you go ahead down to your new digs and get comfortable. I’ll be down to check on you at some point”. 

Tony squirmed past the black stud and accidentally brushed his face against Terry’s crotch. He felt a solid hunk of muscle brush against his cheek and was shocked to think that was the man’s penis. It must be huge Tony thought. As he made his way out of the office, Terry called after the white boy, “Oh and by the way, don’t get any ideas from the ladies. They call me T or Terry but you call me Mr. Towers or sir at all times”. 

Tony squeaked out a quick “Yes sir”, before scurrying down the stairs wondering why he was such a wimp around black men like that. 

First and Last
Part Two
By Brian Masters
Based on an idea and outline by Devin Dickie 

Part Two 

It didn’t take long for Tony to get moved into his new place as he really didn’t have much in the way of belongings so by Saturday afternoon he was fully 


ensconced in his new digs. The petite white boy was very excited about the number of beautiful women he’d seen coming and going from different floors and into and out of the laundry room. Although Tony was distraught over losing his wife so abruptly, he was determined to make the most of his new found freedom. After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. 

Tony was just settling in to read a new book when there was a knock at his door. Upon opening it he saw Deb, the woman he’d met earlier this morning, standing there looking as stunning as he remembered. Tony stuttered out a clumsy hello and turned red at the amused smirk this drew from Deb. 

“Hey little guy”, she said, “Keep an eye on my laundry. When the buzzer goes off transfer it all to the dryer and hang up all the more delicate items”. 

With that, Deb turned and began to walk away when Tony interrupted her with, “Wait, what do you mean? I’m not here to take care of people’s laundry. I’m a tenant, same as you”. 

Tony smiled as if that were all he needed to say to smooth things over with Deb. He wanted to keep things neighborly and friendly with the beautiful woman. Deb stopped and turned to Tony with a cold smile and said, “I think you’d better have a talk with T then little guy. He says something different”. 

And then she turned and walked out of the laundry room, her perfect ass swaying in her too short Daisy Dukes. Tony was stunned but still couldn’t help staring at the gorgeous woman as she strode purposefully away. 

Shaking his head in bewilderment Tony went back into his apartment and closed the door. He settled in and began reading again. After an hour or so Tony had finished several chapters and was really entranced by the writing of this great book when suddenly there was a harsh pounding on the door. The noise was tremendously loud and the pounding never stopped till Tony ran over and opened the door. 

“Am I already having trouble with you white boy?” A very angry Mr. Towers shouted and the nervous smaller man. 

Tony gulped hard and said, “What do you mean Mr. Towers? I’ve done nothing, I’ve been in here reading for quite a while”. 


“Exactly my point boy! Deb tells me you neglected your duties and left her laundry in the machine! What the fuck boy” Terry shouted. 

“What duties?” Tony stammered, “What are you talking about”? 

Before the small white boy could say another word, Terry reached out and grabbed his ear twisting it painfully. Tony’s eyes immediately filled with tears and he let out a high pitched shriek like that of a frightened woman in a horror film. 

“First off I told you to call me Sir! Second don’t you ever question me! And third, if your stupid ass had read the contract you signed you would know what duties I’m talking about you stupid fuck!” 

Tony was whimpering now and tears were running freely down his face. He looked up at the terrifying Black Man with fear ruling his pale features. 

“Let me explain it to you in simple terms even a dumb white boy can understand”, Terry said. “You live in the basement apartment. You live next to the laundry room. Therefore, laundry is your duty! The fine ass bitches who live here don’t have time to waste doing no god damn laundry! Now you need to get your shit straight and get to work. That means your fucking door stays open at all times in case me or one of the ladies needs you for laundry duty. Never close that fucking door when you’re home. Do I make myself clear boy?” 

Tony sniffed back tears and tried to mumble out another question but Terry twisted his ear again and the poor white boy could only squeak out a feeble, “Yes sir”. 

Terry let go of Tony’s ear, turned abruptly, and walked away without another word. Through his tears Tony could see the three women he’d met earlier all standing there looking at him with amused smiles on their faces. Laughing at Tony’s plight the ladies each took turns telling the quivering white boy which laundry belonged to which of them and exactly how they wanted it all handled. They teased him relentlessly as they gave him his orders, calling him “little guy”, “boy”, and “tiny”. 

The ladies made sure to move in very close to Tony as they showed him how they wanted their delicate lingerie laundered and folded. Tony was having a difficult time concentrating due to the close proximity of such beautiful women. They smelled amazing and so did their worn underwear. The women held soiled 


panties and sweat stained bras up under Tony’s nose as they explained how to clean them. The musky scents drove Tony crazy and before long he felt his tiny penis start to twitch. Tony was soon very uncomfortable as he was struggling to keep the women from noticing his miniscule erection. 

Sweat poured from Tony’s brow as he tried unsuccessfully to stretch out his leg to make his tighty whities fit better. This movement did not go unnoticed by the women and they all began laughing at once with Deb saying, “Oh my god! Do you have a boner little man?” 

The girls all laughed harder as Tony tried to stutter out his negative answer. Nothing he could have said would have made the women back off though, and they moved in closer staring at the poor man’s crotch. 

“I don’t see anything”, said Deb.
Erica shook her long blonde hair and said, “Uh uh, me neither”. Laura laughed and said, “Are we sure he’s a boy?” 

The women all continued laughing and Tony felt as though he would melt into the floor. He was mortified by the rude treatment of the women and wanted nothing more than to leave right away. As he tried to make excuses to extricate himself from this abhorrent situation Tony stumbled and fell directly onto his tight little butt. 

The women all laughed louder and moved in closer to the disheveled white boy trapping him on the floor as they left no room for him to stand. Tony was sitting on the cold cement floor with his face right at crotch level of three stunning women. He could smell the musky scent of each of their pussies and his unwanted arousal threatened to make him spurt. Tony began to panic and tried to climb to his feet only to be pushed down again by Erica. 

“No, no little man. You stay right there while we explain things to you. I like you better in that position, it seems more natural”, Erica said receiving a nod of approval from the other two women. 

They had all noticed how turned on poor Tony was and this was becoming a rather fun game for them. Deb moved in a little closer to the back of Tony’s head and began to slowly rub her pussy against it. Erica also took a step forward 


bringing the heady scent of her pussy within inches of Tony’s face. But it was Laura that stole the show as she turned around and made to pick up something from her laundry basket pressing her ass into his nose. The too short skirt she wore rode up and Tony found his nose slipping into her panty covered ass crack. 

That was more than the poor white boy could handle and with a cry of lust and embarrassment he shot his pitiful, white boy squirts into his pants. Tony’s face turned deep red and tears filled his eyes again. 

The women all looked at each other astonished then broke out in hysterical laughter. Looking down they could all see the small stain forming on the front of Tony’s pants making them laugh all that much harder. 

Poor Tony tried to get up and leave but found he couldn’t stand on his shaky legs so he began to crawl back to his apartment only to be stopped by a harsh word from Deb. 

“Stop right there little man” she said. “You still have work to do, or do you want me to tell Terry you’re slacking off”. 

“At least we know he isn’t jacking off” Erica laughed. 

The ladies all broke down again at the rude joke making Tony feel even more miserable. 

“Now you get to work and bring our laundry up to our apartments when you’re done. And make sure you do everything we told you to do or there will be hell to pay”. 

With that final word from Deb, the ladies left the laundry room laughing and making rude remarks about Tony and his lack of control. He heard them speculating on the size of his “tiny” penis and saying he shot off rather quickly having not been touched at all. 

Tony crawled to his feet and thought about just going back into his apartment and locking the door but he was such a submissive wimp that he instead started sorting the ladies laundry into appropriate piles for washing. His hands trembled as he touched their panties, bras, nighties and stockings. He’d been given specific instructions on how to handle all of these delicate items and he knew this job was going to take hours. 


Despite the fact that he’d already shot his tiny load, Tony still found himself tremendously aroused by the sights and smells of the clothes he now handled. He picked up a pair of pink lace panties that smelled lightly of perfume and held them up to his face for a closer sniff. It was heavenly and Tony almost cried out in joy. 

Next he lifted a pair of blue underwear that looked as though they were worn when working out. Tony took in a deep breath of their scent and almost passed out from the immediate arousal. They smelled strongly of sweat, pussy, ass and a little pee as well. The combined smells made Tony’s little pecker stand upright again and he knew he had to sample more. 

The matching work out bra was next and the sweat stains left by the wearer’s armpits and boobs smelled amazing. Looking around the room Tony decided to risk taking a taste and licked the boob sweat from the bottom of the bra’s cup. He almost swooned from the salty taste. 

One by one Tony picked up every pair of panties, sniffing and tasting each one in turn. Some tasted of sweat and piss, some perfumed and musky at the same time. But some of them were what Tony considered the mother-load. Occasionally Tony tasted what had to be those wonderful juices excreted by an aroused pussy. Tony was in heaven and found his work to go by quickly as he’d found a way to make it extremely pleasant. 

In just a few short hours Tony had finished washing, drying and folding the women’s clothes and is little peepee was straining in his pants. Trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of his tiny erection, Tony began the task of returning the clothes to their proper owner’s 

He carried the first basket up the stairs to Deb’s apartment and rang the bell. She opened the door, took the basket, and closed the door again without as much as a thank you. 

The same thing was repeated at both Erica’s and Laura’s apartments making Tony feel like less than a servant. The dejected white boy began the long walk back to his apartment determined to rub his little peter at the thought of all he’d seen and smelled but his journey was interrupted by the sound of his landlord’s voice. 


“Hey white boy!” Mr. Towers shouted down the hall. “Get in here” he said motioning into his own apartment/office. 

Tony started to decline but the look on Mr. Towers’ face made the white boy slink down the hall and enter the large man’s home. 

Mr. Towers slammed the door closed and Tony jumped at the sound. He was very afraid of the Black Man and wanted nothing more than to leave this place. 

“I gotta tell you boy, I’m very disappointed in what I seen today” Terry said backing Tony against the wall by taking a threatening step toward him. 

“I seen some nasty shit in my time but you take the cake white boy. You are a degenerate pervert if I ever seen one” the Black Man said shaking his head. 

Tony stuttered and stammered and couldn’t quite find the words to question Mr. Towers and once again felt tears filling his eyes. 

Towers stared down at Tony for a moment then took the white boy by the arm and pulled him over to the desk on the far side of the room. Terry pushed the defenseless boy into the chair and turned him toward the computer screen on the desk. 

“Now boy I want you to look at this and tell me what I should do about it” Towers said menacingly while reaching down and pressing enter on the keyboard. 

A video started playing right away and Tony immediately saw himself in the laundry room picking up the ladies underwear then sniffing and licking them. He started to object right away attempting to stand but Mr. Towers held him down with one hand on his trembling shoulder. 

“Now I like pussy as much as the next man” The black man said, “But what you’re doing there is downright disgusting. I mean that’s a violation of those ladies privacy. In fact that seems to me like sexual assault by a pervert”. 

Tony began sniffling and sobbing as he said, “Please sir, please don’t show this to anyone! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. Please sir I’ll do anything!” 


“Well”, Terry said, “I don’t know. I look out for these ladies. I want them to feel safe and protected while they live here. Maybe I should just show this to the police”. 

“Oh god no!” cried Tony. “Please Mr. Towers, isn’t there any way I can convince you to forget this? I’ll never do anything like it again. I promise”. 

Terry almost smiled at how easily he had pulled this white boy into his trap. He laughed inside thinking of how weak willed these white boys all were and how submissive they were to the Black Man. 

Terry looked down at the sobbing white sissy boy and said, “Well I suppose I could forget all about it if while you’re down there you do your best to convince me”. 

Tony blinked and looked up confused at the huge black man and said, “What do you mean?” while trying with no success to stand up. 

Mr. Towers put his large hand on Tony’s head and said, “You know exactly what I mean boy”. 

Tony was completely flustered and began to panic. He muttered and mumbled something about needing to leave and this not being right and how he wasn’t “like that”, all the while being held in place by Terry’s thick hand. 

Ignoring the white boy’s complaints Terry reached down with his other hand and slid his pants down to his ankles. Not having underwear on caused Terry’s substantial cock to spring out and slap Tony in the face. 

Tony really began to struggle now and made every attempt to leave but Mr. Towers was having none of that. He held the squirming white boy in place quite easily with only one hand and used his other hand to rub his growing dick all over Tony’s face. 

Tony felt the heat of the silky flesh as it traced a path along his cheeks and lips. He smelled the musky odor of the bigger man’s unwashed cock and balls and grew lightheaded at the powerful scent. Tony’s struggles became less strenuous and he began to resign himself to his fate acknowledging in his heart and mind that he would never be strong enough to free himself from the black man’s grasp. 


Towers laughed as Tony stopped struggling and said, “That’s a good girl. Just accept your fate”. 

Tony looked up with pleading eyes, begging wordlessly for the black man to have mercy on him but to no avail. Terry just smiled down at his captive and began rubbing the head of his mighty cock along Tony’s lips spreading salty pre-cum on them like lip gloss. 

Tiring of this game quickly Terry slid his hand down from the top of Tony’s head and twisted the white boy’s ear until he opened his mouth to gasp in pain. That was all Terry needed as he jammed the head of his cock past the soft, pink, lips of the wimpy, white, boy. 

Tony was stunned and his eyes flew open wide as he felt and tasted the sweaty cock invading his mouth. With only the head inside Tony’s mouth was already stretched wider than it had ever been and he blinked back tears as he struggled to accommodate the massive tool. 

Mr. Towers looked down at Tony and said, “If I feel teeth, I’ll knock them out”. 

Tony whimpered and stretched his jaw wider which only prompted Mr. Towers to push even more of the huge pole into the weaker man’s mouth. Towers grabbed Tony by the head and began fucking his cock in and out of the white boy’s mouth with increasing speed and force. Tower’s wasn’t looking for a long, sensual blowjob. No, this was a face fucking and nothing more. He wanted to humiliate the white boy by turning him into a sissy cum dump. 

Tony choked and gasped fighting for every breath as the thick black cock invaded his throat. The savage black man was using Tony’s face as a masturbation toy and nothing more. He was fucking his face brutally. Tony felt his nose smash against the big man’s stomach each time his throat was filled with the powerful cock. Tony’s senses were overloaded. He felt pain, humiliation, fear, disgust and strangely enough, arousal at the brutal attack. 

Tony tried to focus on his breathing but the feeling coming from his groin was beginning to overtake his senses. He was hard! My god, he was hard while being face fucked by this thug of a black man! 


Tony was in denial but still could not ignore the feeling in his little penis. After 20 minutes of rough face fucking Mr. Towers finally growled out, “You better swallow it all bitch!” 

Tony had no time to think as the bigger man pulled his massive cock out till just the head rested on the white boy’s tongue and began to shoot its load. 

Thick ropes of cum hit the back of Tony’s throat and coated his tongue as Mr. Towers shot burst after powerful burst into the conquered sissy’s mouth. Tony swallowed as fast as he could as he was too afraid of what would happen if he didn’t. He swallowed what felt like a quart of cum before the last spurt slid down his throat. 

Towers pulled his spent cock from the white boy’s mouth and wiped it dry in the defeated wimp’s hair. Tony was stunned and didn’t move at all while the black man cleaned his weapon on his head. 

“Now get the fuck out” Mr. Towers said as he made his way into the bathroom. 

Tony began to cry softly as he picked himself up and made his way back to his hovel in the basement. As he walked down the hall, Tony saw several doors open a crack and heard excited female laughter coming from inside the apartments. They knew. And soon everyone in the building would know. 

Swallowing the remnants of Towers’ thick load Tony entered his apartment and almost closed the door before remembering his “laundry duties”. With a trembling sigh the defeated white boy slowly made his way to his bed and fell into it crying like a small child. 

If this is what he could expect in his new living space, what horrors would work bring on Monday? And what other disasters awaited him tomorrow in his basement prison? 

Tony wept softly as he fell asleep with visions of snickering women and thick black cocks filling his head. 



Please be a part 3, this was kinky.


For the love of god throne, right a sequel please!!