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New Femdom/Sissy Comic Artist:

Gala Comic Art

Coming to the $15 tier starting next month

 2 times a month!



Erica Valdez

I love this page but there needs to be some type of organization , instead of releasing new chapters you release new covers to stories that are never being elaborated on we won’t see a new page for like three weeks but in that span we get ten new stories that never make it past page 8 I loved this page when it was consistent yrs ago no disrespect but this page is headed to a downfall with so many incomplete stories I’ve been on this page since 2020

Erica Valdez

U make amazing comics quality over quantity please

Devin Dickie

Erica thank you for your feedback. I don't quite understand. There are certainly some stories that have been halted. Like "Divorce the Sissy", but in general I have come back to finish everything. Including Panty-Demic, Convention Conversion is back. Sometimes there are factors that contribute to this. Sometimes I wait for the artists to finish things, sometimes its the writer, sometimes its the artist that wants to work on something else for a while. but in general I try to move the site forward and complete most stories here. Divorce the Sissy is really the only one that we haven't fixed and that's because of structural things in the script that needs to be addressed and it's a lot of work. I don't think the quality has decreased. I have stepped up production with now 2 updates monthly from RiayH. (who wasn't really one of our artists until 2020) and two Thurydee and two Rekks posts per month. I am also now posting a BimboBBC and a Boccaccio comic page EVERY WEEK. So I'd say that's actually more consistent than I had been in the past. If you are looking for our one-off panels and thinking that they are continued pieces, that's just not what they are-- they are fun one-off ideas that help me see it that's something I'd like to do more of for the site. If what you are talking about is just descriptions about works when I drop a cover-- I will try to be more mindful of that, however with this piece, Gala Art hit me up and said she had a Sissy/Femdom comic and showed me some panels and I was like -- lets do it. I don't like to take the creative process away from the writers and artist too much or all the comics will sound like one voice. so many of them are unique in their own ways. I hope I am being helpful and not just talking away.