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All good things must come to an end!

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your tremendous support in making these books. It's been a long time but I know how hard it is to stay with us, but I want you to know that I pust so much back into the site to treat you like I would if I were a supporter here. I put A LOT of myself into the works. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

***A WARNING:  I will cancel ANY UNFINISHED COMIX or SERIES that get shared on the net.  If you don't wish to see our works discontinued then please don't share or repost our works. That's any comic that doesn't say "COMPLETE" at the back of the PDF.

Thank you for your continued patronage that makes these comics possible!  I put almost every cent back into the site... so thank you for your support.  :)

These comics are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE and VERY time consuming  to produce, so thank you for your SUPPORT!

Please do NOT SHARE or DO NOT REPOST please!!

These comics survive because of this site.

Thank you for your help in this!!

Feel free to download the most current chronological comic pdf below



Graham Greene

Loved this! Great story and atrwork! Needs a sequel, he's determined it wont happen again but ends up snowed in another house, this time it's only him, his wife......and the enitre basketball team!!!

Brett Schuhkraft

Yes it needs a sequel Because he needs to be turned out by the hole team He'd love being the team bitch to relax them after a game


ok let's go! Start to finish. 1)super timely that it's set during easter. 2) love the butt plug feeling like it got sucked straight in. 3) Oooh love the plot twist that they were planning on sissyfying him anyway. She bought her cuck to the slaughterhouse. 4) @Tug it, tubby, love that mantra! I hope we get to use it again!

Devin Dickie

Thank you for the support! I really appreciate it! and I love hearing what you loved. He was def brought to the ICE COLD SISSY-HOUSE!

David P Wilkerson

Hopefully not the end I see so much more potential in stephen final look 😍❣️