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Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone has had a wonderful couple months here I sure have been busy as heck this holiday season and very grateful I was able to take a small break from art it helped a ton with the burnout.

But we have New year new plans! So here is what I am tentatively planning for 2024!

1$ tier: [No changes]

Monthly Pic: This I am planning on keeping how it is, a monthly colored pic is a good way to keep me drawing fanart and experiment with styles and such. This upcoming year I am going to think of how to tie in this tier to designing and making more printable pictures for cons and such [more info below].

5$ tier:  [No changes]

Projects: Whew so lots of projects planned for this upcoming year not that ill be getting to everything of course but I want to put out a vote for what you guys would like me to work on once Punishmentv is finished.
Speaking of, while I was huddled in my little hiatus bubble I was working on the final major release of the game! Shooting for early 2024 for 5.0 to be released. There will still be some minor updates and bug fixes but I think it's getting to the time that pmtv can be tucked in to bed.

Upcoming Project Ideas: This is always up in the air this time of year but here are some of the floating projects that have been bouncing around in this little plats mind.
Mini comics, Learning 3d modeling, Learning animation, Designing another kinky game, and maybe even remastering some of my older works. Will have more details and such about this later though right now its all just brainstorming on what you guys would like to see :O

Sketchbooks: This is going to stay the same! not guaranteed every month but if I happen to be sketching or anything I will for sure upload them to here in a monthly bundle!

10$ tier: [Want to expand tier]

Rework?: This poor tier has been neglected so badly TwT I honestly am so grateful of everyone who is subscribed at this level and REALLY want to expand this tier this year. The discount is nice but I want to do more. I was thinking of maybe doing a sticker club / mini-print club or something at this tier, where I would mail out a sticker/print to those who have been subscribed at this level. Ill put out a poll or something later for this as well asking for feedback on what you guys would like to see.



So as a lot of you guys knew last year I vended at AnthroCon in the artist alley and had a BLAST. I really want to expand my horizons there and have plans to do the artist alley again at AnthroCon as well as a more local Furry migration this year. Because of this I really want to use some of the patreon pictures to expand my selection of art to sell 8D
I might also be going to MFF if plans workout but that one is a little up in the air since it is so close to the holidays.


I have also finally setup an Etsy! for the leftover convention merch and at home printed merch so will be pushing new content on there as well for those interested for the same reason as above. If you guys missed any convention merch or anything or just want to take a peek at what I have available here's the shop link! https://www.etsy.com/shop/PoThePlatypus

* This upcoming year is going to be a push for making more personal art that is marketable so I can vend at more cons.
* Pmtv is coming to a close and a new project poll will be coming soon.
* I want to expand the 10$ tier to make it more worth it.
* Thank you all! <3


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