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Uncut version with comic text for my Patrons ;) Enjoy 

Guess I just like picking on elves

She waded around the pool of blue ooze for several moments confused and nervous. It wasnt harming her skin, so not acidic, but it was creating a strange tingling where ever it touched. She was so preoccupied with this that she didnt notice the humanoid form rise up behind her. Before she could scream the creature had pinned her arms behind her, the ooze forming a binding around her arms that she could not break. The creature embraced her and began poking and teasing her. slipping under an arm and scribbling its formed fingers in the hollows of her underarm and sides. poking and squeezing her belly and ribs. The shock soon gave way to girlish giggles as she struggled and soon to full blown laughter. Everywhere this creature touched seem to become ten times more sensitive then ever before. Soon she was nothing but a giggling squealing mess in the creatures arms. It was torture of the cruelest form, but a the same time it was maddeningly stimulating. And in the chaos that was her tickle tortured thoughts, she couldnt decide if she hated it, or loved it. 

New creature to tickle and tease helpless victims, say hi to Blue  A simple name for a simple creature. Ill have a new BOM page up soon all about the slime girls. 




Oh yeah! I totaly love it! Boobs and armpit tickles, nothing better than that ^^