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Sorry for the lack of activity lately 

Been a crazy month and lot on the plate.


too start with iv got a couple of OC pieces from DA

Apparently there is a type of tickle massage job out there, Mostly in Cali. Where specilized massage theropists will tickle the cliante. I get the science, it releases endorphins and relieves stress. Id take that job in a heart beat XD

But its given me a few ideas for something iv been playing arround with. So heres my Fursona Steel trying out his new profession on a few of his friends XD

Well....the second one is him trying out his new profession, the first one is him teaching her a lesson for being a pain in the tail while hes trying to draw X3

1st OC

Name: Ava

Age 23:

Species: Blue Wallaby 

2nd OC

Name: Lisa

Age: 25

Species: White Cheetah



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