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Ok so there is one more piece to go in our Team Rocket Grunts torment. Grand finally should be done by the end of the week.

Iv gotten a few suggestions on who we should go after next. But feel free to recommend some characters.
(So Far)
Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
FireBird (Furry Pheonix character, pending owners approval)

A question though. I have a few OCs that iv been meaning to dust off, maybe make permanent additions to the roster here. Whatcha think?



Now she would be a tough one to break, in fact im pretty sure she would go incoherent before she broke 😜 ill add her to the list but I yhink you and I are the only ones who even remember her


OCs of yours? Yes please!


Have you done Jill Valentine from Resident Evil before?


Ya know, I dont think iv ever done Jill, ill have to add her to the list. Think id have to go with her RE3 clothes...well.....for however long they stay on 😅