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So first, sorry again for the lack of posts...

Iv recently been taking on some graphic design work for a lil extra $$. As much as I wish I could just draw stuff like this all day. Sadly it doesn't work that way. Hopefully someday ill be able to be a full time artist, and have all this time I need to bring out new creations (I can dream)

So heres another peep at the book im working on. Its slow going, I have to admit. and I have designed and discarded a few designs. BUT, if all goes well I will have this out by the end of this month. Iv only really got a few images to go, then color them all (which is really the easy part) and BAM!!

Thanks for your patients. 



Roan slingerland

I cant wait to see any spinning brushes


I have done one. its among the uncolored, Maybe thatll be the next sneak preview ;) but dont wanna give it all away before its done :D