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Well...their was no way I was designing a piece of Rukia without adding in Sode no Shirayuki (who has one of the best character design in the series!)

Man Bonus damsel!  I spoil ya'll!

Was kind enough to write a backstory for this  illustration

Please Enjoy and may it add to the scene as a whole


Rukia was working hard in the training grounds of her Squad’s quarters.  She had been thoroughly training to improve her strength and her capabilites as a Soul Reaper.  This was a special training though, as she worked with her Zanpaktou, Sode no Shirayuki, in order to gain her Bankai.  The hour grows late, and day transitioned into night as Rukia stood there, blade in hand before Shirayuki.

“Are you needing to call it a day?” the tall woman in elegant white Kimono mused.

“No!!” Rukia replied with a Huff.  “I can keep going, I’m not quitting now.”

Shirayuki smiled seeing the determination in her partner.  “Very well,” she mused.  “Then let us-”  Her words were cut off when suddenly, something flew at her from the shadows, snapping around her body.  Her and Rukia barely had a chance to react before the band seemed to “phase” through her, but her wrists were caught and brought behind her back.  “Wh-What is the Mea-Nngh hmm phrrphh hmmmh???”  Another had flew in and wrapped around her head, cutting perfectly around her lips before the final one snapped around her ankles.

“Shirayuki!!!” Rukia called out immeidately rushing to her with her blade.  She prepared to cut off what was binding her, but something snagged her ankles and caused her to fall.  Looking back, she saw that her ankles were now bound in the same strange contraption, to which reaching for it had her wrists suddenly caught and the final one snapping around her head, perfectly covering her lips and silencing her outcries.  A figure lunged out towards them, grabbing both of them and pulling them to one of the secluded building in the courtyard, away from anyone in sight to see them.

“Pardon the “abrupt greeting”, the stranger mused.  “But I’m afraid you two were in my way of my mission.”  Rukia looked to the intruder, her eyes burning with anger and frustration.  Though, seeing the tall lanky man, she noticed something odd and equally frightening.  His garb, it was the same as Ishida’s.  Was he….a Quincy as Well???

“Now, I must be on my way~,” the intruder mused.  But he glanced down to their feet, where they were wriggling and squirming around in their bonds.  “But, perhaps I can help entertain you two, for catching me~.”  With that, he proceeded to remove the shoes and socks upon Rukia’s and Shirayuki’s feet.  Soon both of them were made bare before the stranger as he produced 2 more of those strange glowing rings, slipping them over their big toes as it shrank to fit their form and binding the 2 together.  “Now then~,” he mused as he raised his finger, wiggling them with a menacing snicker.  “Why don’t we share a few laughs before I go, eh~?” the intruder chuckled, as Rukia and Shirayuki were left to wonder what this guy was trying to do….


again big thanks for the awesome effort in this venture!



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