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I am in the process of remodeling our web site this month! I'm trying to design it in a friendly, rounded way, with an image like our Arashi Yagatake. I am proud to say that I think the new website logo in the upper left corner looks good. Also, I started using Adobe Illustrator to create the logo, it's difficult!

I was actually thinking of outsourcing the web design, but the price is pretty high and there are a lot of unwanted expenses this year... hahaha... (In the past year or so, my toilet broke, my water heater broke, my PC broke, my washing machine broke...) So I'm taking this opportunity to study the basics of graphic design and try to do something on my own.

This is the end of my design work for this month! Next month, I will start creating illustrations for the website, and as soon as they are completed, I plan to implement them using WIX (a website creation tool). By the way, all pages will be in Japanese only for now, so sorry English speakers, please use Google or DeepL page translation.

I would like to complete the site as soon as possible, but it looks like it will be November or December at the earliest, since the illustration work for the character pages is going to be very difficult.

Please come visit us when it is completed!

As an aside, there are three reasons why I have started to put more effort into the website now.

1. The design up to now has been left in a state of rush work.

- The current website doesn't rely on blueprints or templates, and is mostly just an exploration of WIX functions, which I somehow arranged. It is difficult to see even for me.

2. In case I can't use the SNS I am using because there are many stories of insecurity everywhere.

- The address "nekoarashi.com" can be used anywhere as long as there is a server, and even if the SNS account on your business card or in your doujinshi becomes unusable, you can use my website address as long as you keep the domain name contract.

3. There are many things I want to summarize on the website.

- "Who is Arashi Yagatake?", "Do you make games?", "What external services do you use?", I thought that a website would be more suitable than this kind of posting service to summarize such things in an easy-to-understand way once again.

So we hope that we can continue to count on the support of our fans!




Wow this redesign looks amazing, and a lot more user-friendly. I can't wait to see the final product.


It looks great! I'm excited to see the finished character profiles. Your original characters are so cute.


Looks great! The UI looks really easy to use and the design is really bright and friendly!


I did it! I'm most excited to make the character introduction page! But it's hard🤣


Yay! I designed it to be bright and friendly in the image of Arashi, and I'm glad it's working out for you!