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Game Development - Work In Progress #4


This is a follow-up report on game development, which has stopped reporting progress since November 2019.

I wasn't able to make much progress on game development in the first half of 2020. 

One of the main reasons is that the asset we were using as a foundation, Advanced Locomotion System" has a major update at the end of 2019, and now with that update It was so much trouble to recreate and adjust programs that I had made up to now... I couldn't bring myself to touch it....

But recently, after a month of work, I finally got around to rebuilding it...!

Now I can focus on adding a new system!

Also, thanks to the introduction of powerful support software for bringing 3D models to the game engine, I've been able to lower my threshold for using my own 3D models, so I'm going to take this opportunity to rebuild Arashi's 3D models in a more adorable way in the near future.

I want to make it to the stage where everyone can get the vibe of this game by the end of this year!

Let's do it!




Looking forward to see your creations in a video game someday!