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I started a commission! Please check the URL for details!





Woo! Commissions! 0w0)/


Consider asking for partial payment upfront. There are incidents of people scamming artists. If someone is a regular client and you trust them, you can wait until it's finished to ask for payment. I'm also unsure what you mean by the 'three view' package.


i read it well. but i have some questions about it. 1. can i know when it does be closed? 2. if i get a one 'full render' from you, does it include the information of all layers ? (ex: color layer, shadow layer, etc..) The reason why i ask is, as you know, i just want to know how you draw a art for Study. but if it is a Business secret, you don't need to tell me.




I will adopt installment later on! Thank you for the advice! I also thought that explanation was insufficient for "Three-View". I will post a reference image later! ("Three-View Package" means a character sheet that draws figure "front", "back", "side".)


I want to commission you but I have no extra money right now! T_T I have been waiting so long for this....oh well. I guess I will wait. EVENTUALLY! :3


Thank you for the question! 1. When to close depends on the amount of client. I close if it gets too many. Now I have more requests than I thought, so it may close soon. But once I have completed some commission I will open again. 2. If you order the optional "Original PSD File", name each layer and give it as is without merging layers!


Close when I'm busy, But I want to continue this activity for a long time! I will be waiting in the future! Thank you! :D


Is it possible to purchase two commissions?


Hmm, would you do loli and oppai loli? What if it's not pornographic?


What I don't draw is written in "[ I will not draw ]"! Other than that it is probably okay. So, that's no problem!


I will decline it now! I will start it if I can afford to do it in the future!


Wonderful! I think I'll have something for you in a couple of weeks then.


Is it possible to add small variations? For example, if the futanari penis is flaccid in one version, and erect in another. Or different facial expression or cum.


Oh, if we commission Line+Black...then in future ask for Cel Shade or Full Render, do we pay the difference or a full new commission?


oh god, no, it was closed.. i am late ..........i surely request later....!!


I have not thought about the add variations yet so far. If I have the possibility of making small variations is middle and making big variations is low in the future. Don’t get your hopes up.


I closed because I exceeded the planned slot. I will open again when all the work is finished...!