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Changed the sleeves of her usual clothes.

But there is an idea using the previous design, so it is not got rejected.

3527 x 5085px




It has been a while since we last saw Arashi!


Arashi is so cute. I want to snuggle into her chest.


My favourite cat!


She is the best. I love her so much. We need a good picture of her with the goods showing. :3


I guess those other sleeves would get in the way a lot, since she's really short. They were cute, though. I'm curious what the idea behind them was that you mentioned. This also looks really nice. I'm impressed by how fluffy you made her look. Her fur looks really soft. I wanna scratch her ears. Her hairstyle looks really cool, too. The front bangs and ahoge give her a lot of character.


Thank you for many polite comments! In the past, I was not good at drawing hands, so I drew long sleeves. But now the hands are attractive. So I shortened my sleeve. But I also like that clothes, so I'd like to use it for another idea. Hairstyle was hard to drawing from long ago, but I glad to that it is fun to get unique things only for me! And, I also want to touch her's ear and hand, so I really tried my best. So, I am glad that you said so!