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Well, been ages I should have done that, so you people can enjoy what I did other the years. Maybe you'll even find pics I forgot ? Who knows?

I have put here all the pics I did before 2023. Please enjoy going through almost 20 years of pics : Cute ampute girls, limbless torsos, monstergirls, centauresses, lamias, dicknecks, conjoined sisters, etc.... So many things I drew and to be honest, I wish I could do 2-4 pics a day just to put down whatever I have in my head everyday haha ^^

I still have plans to do a big overhaul on the gammatelier website but I need motivation, time and webdesigner (or  a code guy? i'm not good with those things >_<)

I'm also currently having bad health issues, so not taking commissions and I'm rather focusing on healing at the moment (could end up partly paralyzed ^^"). I promise I'm making my best to be back!


Thanks for following me over the years, both lurkers and patrons! I couldn't have done it without you, your support, your comments, your ideas, your commissions.





Your health and well-being come first, so I hope you can recover and get back to what you love to do. Get well soon and thanks for all of the great and wonderful artwork over the years!


Not sure if I'm stupid, but I can't see the archive. Is it supposed to be attached to this post?