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Looks like the cutie got a name! :) Thanks for your vote guys!

Got some ideas as for her origins/story? Might use a poll, but wanna see what you can come up with! :)



Vain D.

I hope that you choose for her backstory to be sweet and cute


A thought that I was fleshing out earlier-


Due to exposure to a chemical compound when her mother was pregnant with her, Judith was born with only one functioning limb- her right leg. Doctors removed the other three because they were twisted beyond usefulness. Growing up, she learned to use her leg for everything, and eventually reached a state of independence. She still needs help from time to time, but she is far from helpless. Her family is fairly well-off because of a settlement they received from an enormous lawsuit. She's using part of it to put herself through college, and is in her final years. Because she grew up in a warm climate and near the beach, Judith always loved swimming, and she owes her figure at least in part to regular swim-sessions. In between classes, she also stays limber by doing yoga. She's getting pretty good at it.


Origin story, huh? So many questions to ask! How did she lose her limbs? When did she get so buff? Why is she a nudist? :-)


She would have to had been a body builder that recently lost her limbs. Because it would be hard for her back muscles to be so developed if she had been limbless for a long time.

Friendly Neighborhood Eldritch Horror

A lover of exploration, Judith has visited all sorts of strange locations. However, she found some were beyond her capabilities that she heard of from others, famously beautiful sights in dangerous terrain filled with poisonous gasses and deadly bacteria, or deep under the ocean. While not skilled in magic herself, nor able to afford expensive magic items, Judith was familiar with warlock pact making due to adventuring friends she made, and soon located a powerful flesh-eating fairy willing to make a pact which would grant her the abilities she needs to survive visiting strange locales in exchange for appropriate sacrifices. Judith's sacrifices were 3 of her limbs, which can't be magically regenerated (not that she could afford such to begin with) due to the nature of the pacts involved, but the pacts have granted her near-immunity to disease and poison, regenerative abilities that help her maintain her figure despite loss of limbs and avoid more lasting injuries due to accidents (as well as survive the initial consumption of her limbs by the fairy) from the missing limbs, increased toughness and ability to handle extremes of pressure and temperature, and the ability to breathe water. She is so though now that the clothes she can afford can't keep up with her new adventures, and she no longer has any need of clothing for protection, and has since found a fondness for nudity, which has resulted in quite a tan. Even though she doesn't need to do so to maintain her figure, she still enjoys exercising beyond just her travels, and does so partially to work on her dexterity in handling her reduced body. She still travels everywhere she can, seeking strange and beautiful places, and doesn't mind people seeing her as weird for that, in fact, she somewhat likes being thought of as strange and unique, and her body being even more unique than before excites her. Since she can't climb as well anymore with only one leg and no arms, she now sometimes uses prostitution to pay for getting assistance up cliffs and some mountains.


She's a surfer. She didn't lose her limbs to a shark or anything, just a childhood accident or illness or something. She lives in a warm climate in a relatively remote village, maybe in Hawaii or northern Brazil. She doesn't wear clothes most of the time because it's so hard for her to get dressed by herself. Her wife fishes for a living to support the two of them. She's a pretty decent amateur artist, a skill and practices in the evenings and on days when the surfing isn't good.