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It doesn't seem at first glance, but those cock-tacles are sprouting for her hips, giving her sort of a "tentacle" dress.

Humm, maybe it would be better to widen those tentacles at her hips? Anyway, just a WIP before the end of the month!

I also sprained my drawing wrist this week, so couldn't finish it >_< Dang! And I still think about your Raffle pic Winston!

Next Art Raffle is soon! :)




"Cock-tacles" sound pretty uncomfortable, if the head of each one is as sensitive as the head of you actual penis.


Awesome concept! As a thought- you could change the seat she is on so that one can see her hips. That way it is more that these tentacles are connected to her and not something else. Also widening the tentacles at the hips sounds like a good idea. going back to the change of seating, you could show the change to the tentacles better if she were on a couch rather than a chair with arms.