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Finally! Took me time really : was in a artistic slump + IRL stuff + sick... but now it's done.

I guess to become a pillow girl, you need to do somesort of a legal contract. What are they reasons ? Each one might have her own motivation... 

Choose which one you like !

Please comment, took me time to do that one ^^" And I hope JG (who won the art raffle) is happy with it!

note:  I suspect the 4 eyes to be a pervert... 




Definitely the one in the middle - a pillow girl needs to have a little meat on her bones.


Love the girls, love the lay out and template. I hope it gets reused

David Fenger

They're all so cute!


Pretty interesting! My favorite is the middle!


definitely the middle one

Rune Blacksin

Won't lie I used to have one of ur older pics as a profile pic cause it suited me so well it was the the girl using her head as a bowling ball

Darth Cabbage

Always love red heads.


Favorite is red hair girl. I want to see all quad girls in wearing uniform.


Red head because FRILLS! *rubs the frills*


Auu, they're all adorable and I want each of them. So soft and comfy looking. Though why bitcoins?


reds my fav. love to see more stories of all of them though!


"Took me time to do that one..." It shows, definitely worth the wait. I'm personally fond of the left one. Not sure why, but the frills make her look really cute.


I like left and right I don´t know why