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Thank you guys! :)

I'd have never thought I'd reach that much when I started that Patreon a few months ago... I don' think I'm such a good artist and I don't have much to offer compared to other people...

So... Thanks a lot for your support!

I haven't shown much activity these past weeks, and I'm ashamed at how little I did >_< Got IRL stuff in the way.... that put me down.

Still not an excuse as drawing should be here to give me more smiles everyday :)

Anyway, while not other tier are in the works, considerations are being made... still thinking >_<

See you around! Hope to be able to draw something for Halloween >_<



Woo hoo!


now, what made you think you're not a good artist? you're one of the best artists on the internet!


Sois fier, tu dessines très bien, c'est pas pour rien que je te soutiens.^^

Friendly Neighborhood Eldritch Horror

Maybe at $1500 or $2000 a month turn this into your primary job and make and post art more often? Maybe at $1000 a month, add a 2nd monthly voting piece?