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I just lost all my drawings... ;___; When I moved my mouse this morning, I realized that my computer was totally frozen : no mouse, no keyboard reaction.... time was also frozen to 23:15. I did a forced restart... And since then, nothing. No boot : my system hard-drive is... empty. 0_o That alone means several thing : 1) have to buy a new hard drive... the previous one doesn't react even on another computer. 2) have to do a clean install... it's gonna take ages again and I'll have to pay for windows 10... 2 months only after the upgrade. *sigh* 3) all my drawings are lost: all my WIPs, and a couple of finished pics I was about to upload. Hopefully, I think they are on my Dropbox... so I "might" be able to retrieve them. Since I can't provide you with updates, please don't send me money for this month : I'd feel bad for receiving funds while I'm unable to provide you anything... >_



The T.C.

You don't have the key to windows? I'm pretty certain if you upgraded the old windows 7/8 key will work.


jeeze...first you got sick and now the computer >//


This is why I obsessively back-up all of my data. Especially unique data that can't be recovered by other means.


Ah merde! Dûr!


Sorry about that. Hope you can recover as much as possible! You have my moral support for sure! :D


Oulà la merde, c'est jamais amusant quand cela arrive ce genre de chose. C'est pour ça que personnellement je sauvegarde toujours tout sur un disque dur externe. J'espère que ça va aller.


well you´ll need the money, count on my patron money, i´ll see how you can compensate to me later =3


Don't buy a new Windows 10 license. Instead, download the "windows media creation tool" from the Microsoft Website and install using that. During the installation it will ask for a license key, don't enter one. There will be an option to skip entering a license key. If you upgraded Windows 10 during the free upgrade timeframe then your computer is already licensed and will get that license from the Microsoft servers. If it does not automatically license then you can always enter a license key later. If you are buying a new computer then you do have to buy a new copy of Windows.


You should have created backups to an external harddrive, NAS (Network Attached Storage), have had a RAID (redundant array of independant drives) array (Google it) or just had a cloud account to put it on (OneDrive gives you 15 GB for free). Maybe something to think about in the future... You could also bring the harddrive to a computer repair shop. They can check whats wrong and might be able to repair something (except for internal issues)


Keep the drive it can probably be repaired