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WARNING: guro setting !

She puts a lot of herself into her cooking passion. She calls herself  a gourmet chef, and after mastering many dishes, she went for the forbidden ingredient: human meat !
Her own meat !

You can imagine many stories with such a setting:
- she could be like a Gordon Ramsay type and have her own tv shows, and after she cooks her torso she could host a tv show called Head chef !
- Maybe she's running a small restaurant that's about to go under and comes up with an idea to serve her leg as a joke to save it then she gets tons of publicity and basically has to go through with it and that starts the cycle
-  maybe loses a foot in an accident and that inspires her to use it because it would be a waste of good meat... and since then has been continuing!
- etc...

You can play with the layers and create your own version (see attached file)
also, don't hesitate to post your own setting/stories in comments :)



Darrell Edwards

I feel like this is a Hibachi style dish where the meal is prepared and cooked in front of the customer from start to finish.


Would be nice to see her start from the beginning as she serves morsel by morsel of herself.


If you going to do something like this similar in the future you should show them slowly losing their parts the further into their "story"


https://i.imgur.com/ZdVMUjQ.jpg So you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation...that being said there's still plenty of her to go around though sadly this time she will have to have a...hands off approach to the next dish :P


What kind of software do I need to open the file ? Funny idea and drawings BTW :)