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"I suppose you're wondering how I got this way," R said, laying on her sofa in her apartment, somehow someone had put her into something more comfortable.

"Well, of course, it doesn't seem like something that would be polite to ask," Nigel said.
"No one has told you?"
"Aren't we in the business of keeping secrets?"
Nigel sipped a gin and tonic.

R looked away. "Well, it comes down to this, several years ago I got caught behind enemy lines. They had a drive with an encryption that only my favourite song lyrics and the year of Liverpools first win would open. The names of every single source was on it and they tried everything they could to get me to utter it. Of course, I did not."
"Christ. Fucking horrible, I'm sor-"
"Don't be fucking sorry. I signed up to defend the realm, I still do. Only I get to do it behind a desk whispering sweet nothings into your ear."

Nigel stood up and approached her, putting a hand on her shoulder. They looked at each other.
"But... I've known you for a while, in some capacity."
"You only became an agent a few months after this all happened."
"Haha, why are you so surprised?"
"You just... You've always seemed just, I dunno, you have the best mood of anyone in the agency. Everyone else is always miserable."
"Well you know Nigel, only the most emotionally resilient and adaptable people get to become field agents. I healed, I went to physio, and I got on with my life. I won't let four lost limbs keep me from doing this."
"Bloody hell, you don't fuck around."
"Hey, don't count me out yet. There will come a time where a small, tiny person such as myself will be able to sneak in somewhere you'd never manage to."

Nigel put his glass on the table and kissed her, R did what she could to deepen it, and somewhat managed to succeed.

"I want you so badly R."

His hand went for her dress, but he hesitated.

"You want this?"
"Of course I do, I've been wet for the last three minutes."
"That's great to hear, but I wonder, what if I was someone else."
"Well, look in the mirror."

Nigel saw a bright, but tiny red dot on his forehead in the reflection, wiggling slightly. Nigel looked back down at R.

"Now hurry up and fuck me, and no matter what you do, don't muffle my mouth. And don't worry, I'm a moaner, not a screamer."

Story by WinstonMP


Despite being limbless, she's still considered the best agent of the agency ! Meet R, the limbless rose of Bloomsbury !




This is the kind of content I love 😅!


Great pics, gorgeous woman, lovely story :) can't ask for more


she's a total hottie!