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Here they go, the mouthless friends... Their faces are so cute this way! I hope The Arrogant Nair is happy with it!

Thanks again for your support guys! There have been a lot of new patrons lately and I can't thank you enough for helping me this way ^^

I also hope you like what I post here and that give me even more incentive to prioritize drawing!

Now, I have to draw that comic I promised you as a reward.... Been so long I haven't done any ^^" Hope I'm not too rusty!




There isn't a letter grade in the world high enough to describe how much I like this! We'll have to invent an entirely new alphabet! Amazing job Gamma!


I always thought my two classmates were the quiet sort. They did not talk much during class or to out classmates. imagine my surprise when I got a note from Melody. turns out she had a crush on me. when I met her, she had her friend with her. before I could do anything. they peeled off the false lips they wore. Melody looked terrified, but her friend gave her a reassuring arm squeeze. Then, she lifted her skirt. "I've always liked you...I just...wasn't sure how to say it"


It's a shame those false lips didn't come off to reveal a different sort of lips... Still love the concept. :)