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"They say the 3 Amazonian queens are reigning the tribe together

from time immemorial. So imagine our surprise when we discovered the three great ones were in fact only one..."

That's a commission I did a couple of months ago (changed the text though). I guess they're... quite happy with their body, hehehe




You always make the best conjoinment pictures.


Hoooo what do I see here, something familiar. It's my wonderful queen. I commissioned her few months ago. Feel free to aks questions about her if you have. I will try my best to respond.


Any backstory about the Queen Andreas?


Well, they are born in a unique way as you can see. The Amazonian tought they were created by the will of their gods to guide them to a better future. So, when grown up, they would obviousely become queens of the tribe. So how is the future now? Well, they often argue about how to rule and need to debate everytime they have to take a decision(for hours sometimes). But it never goes to physical fight since they really like each other. They are extremely narcissist and since they really like their body, they do masturbations sessions everyday. They proceed that way: every session they take turn to masturbate. In this pic, it's their right head who is doing the touching thing. The middle head controls the hands that are playing with their breasts. They always test each other to see who is the best at masturbation, but it's always a tie between them since they are all equaly skilled. But their lust is endless, since they have 3 vaginas(which all leads to the same place inside), their sexual needs are off the charts. They would at least come nine times during a session(each vagina can have its own orgasm). They can also combine them. So in the end most of the time they pass their day discussing about how to rule or masturbating, which means they are not really a good ruler since they are more focused on themselves than their tribe. I hope you like her guys, I wanted to have the multi-vagina thing (which is a really hard kink to find) combined with conjointment. I wonder if someone will try to write a story about them, it could be fun. I won't try it myself since my story writing skills are not very good.^^


People are saying (because this leaked to 4chan) that this is the best conjoinment pic ever made.


I don't know how it was leaked to 4chan since it's a Partons only post. This means it's one of the Patrons who did this(not my doing of course because I would have done it only when this was officially posted on his Gammatelier website snice it would become a public thing). Anyway, I don't know what to say, I'm very happy to see that people like this picture so much to the point they say it's the best conjointment ever. I bet everyone knows that I'm a hadcore conjointment fan now.


Now on Gurochan as well


I saw it a couple of hours ago. Well looks like someone really likes it, because first 4chan, now Gurochan. Personally I don't mind but if it bother Gamera(since it's supposed to be a Patrons only post), I can always go there and delete it. Anyway, I read the comments and then again I saw someone saying it's the best conjointment picture ever. I'm just speechless to this point, really, I've never thought my idea would be so popular. I'm just a simple guy who tries to brings new and interesting ideas for conjointment pics.


Not blaming you. It really isn't a problem sense Gamera does put up most of his pictures it looks like. Just might be a problem if say, he reachs the benchmark for a comic and wants to keep it on Patreon to encourage people. Either way, more posted it here as a note that Gamera may as well put it on his main site now