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Here she is! Wolvun's Cyber-Mermaid idea!

When she was young, she got hunted by a wild Orca. While those encounters are often deadly for mermaids, she fortunatelygot saved by fishermen on the shore, though the toll to pay was high: her tail was was almsot ripped off and way beyong any mending.

Thanks to state of the art technology, she thankfully got a new tail when grew up, which let swim freely in the seas again. Her fear of Orcas is still high, but she doesn't want to let her stopped because of that!

Hope you Guys like it!




I was a bit sceptical at first. But that concept and the art is outstanding!


This turned out awesome. Hopefully there we be more Cyborg mythigocal characters to come.


Very nice! Also, typo on 'fortunatelygot' with a missing space.