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Here's the (unlucky) life of Fay...

Fay - 10 years old

 Born on 29th February, you could say Fay would go on to lead quite a  peculiar life. She was quite active from day one, and a real tomboy. But  one day she climbed a tree which was a bit too challenging: Long story  short, she feel down and broke her arm so badly that doctors had to  amputate it. 

Fay - 16 years old

 A few years later, fate struck Fay again: while coming back from school  one day, she was struck by a car and lost her left leg. While many of  her antics were ended after losing her arm, losing her leg meant she had  to stop running, which was quite disappointing for a girl who loved  outdoors activities, like hiking. 

Fay - 25 years old

 At 20, she got accepted at Macquarie University in Australia, but it  wasn't long after that her bad luck presented itself yet again: she was  bitten by a white-tail spider and lost her other leg to the flesh eating  bacteria of its venom. Despite the accidents that plagued her youth,  good things also happened to Fay. The valedictorian of her graduating  class fell in love with her, and he was as handsome as he was  studious. They were soon married. 

Fay - 28 years old

 Just a few weeks after her wedding, Fays life turned again for the  worse: both Fay and her husband had a sidecar accident during their  honeymoon. Losing her last limb. She was now completely limbless, but her husband still loved her, and they decided to expand there family, so Fay ended up pregnant. Still, when they found out she was going to have triplets,  her husband tried to convince her to abort, as being a limbless mother with three kids would be way too much for them. They quarelled a lot about it, and as the pregnancy went on, her husband quit, and divorced.
While Fay was heartbroken she didn't lose her passion for life. She found work as a radio host and things went well for a while. But fate came back to her again: she had some mysterious pain near her stomach, and soon was diagnosed with pelvic bone cancer, which would soon leave her without it. As such, when she gave her birth, she immediately went under surgery to have more of her removed, and while people around her were quite skeptical, she surprisingly was amazing at raising her kids, despite her small helpless body. 

Fay - 38 years old

 After experiencing so many misfortunes in her life, the last decade was  quite peaceful in comparison. While she didn't had much left to lose,  Fay was afraid her misfortune would strike her triplets. So far, nothing  has been passed on, and they grew up nicely, helping their mother as  soon as they were old enough to do so, often taking turns. As such, you  would often see them bringing her to her job and assisting her. 

(Thanks to @WinstonMP for checking my writings)
Edit: story changed for commissioner



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