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Is this a magic conjoinment? Mad science?

She doesn't care anymore about the reasons. Yes, she might be the central head and, as such, has no control over their body whom sides are controlled by the twins on her right and left.

But, she is not prisonner of their whims, she is the one in command: her every wishes are like order to the twins, who happily obey. They even kinda compete to show their complete adoration to their onee-sama.

They are her servants and she is their goddess.


I can totally see that trio in a anime schoold comedy setting, with the central head being in love with the male hero and/or in competition with the female hero.




I wasn't sold on her until I saw the drills.


Are they cyclops? They look similar to the girl under benefits


That would be a cool twist if this character is drawn again

Tom Kauffman

Is there a possibility her total control comes from being the only path to the stomach? Her 'sisters' feel hunger and can only make it go away by feeding Onee-sama?


I would do anything to see an anime involving conjoined girls.^^

Master of Muffin

such a cool concept! I can see why she wouldn't mind not having control over her body if she's got servants to go to all the effort of controlling it for her benefit. Also, those tits are huge!


One of my favorites from you recently!