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I was told that parents are supposed to be embarrassing their children.
That it was a normal part of growing up. I remember a middle school friend's Dad loved to show off his model train set. The sort of model that looked less like a toy and more like something that could have been driven. He didn't buy them either. He bought each piece and assembled them by hand. Their guest bedroom given up for this "hobby". Last I heard, there was house work being done so the track could go out into the backyard as well. A high school companion had a mother that loves tarot cards. She would be reading the  futures of strangers she passed under her breath. Her phone had a  digital deck for that purpose. thought it couldn't compare to her custom drawn and painted set she kept on the family mantle. I remember she had gotten in trouble for how much it had cost the family to order each card by itself. She still did seer reading online with them.  On and on it would go: those little quirks that my friends and classmates would mutter shamefully under their breath. Their deepest secret being no one they knew would ever see them with their parents like that. Why couldn't I have had something normal like that?

She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to be caught here. Above all, She didn't want to be doing this. If she was lucky, she wouldn't have to.  
-"Slow down dear. You know I am not as fast as I used to be."
She winces but does lower her pace. Her body remained tense and ready. Like a rabbit about to bold at the first sign of trouble.
-"We aren't in a hurry. Why the rush?"
The voice grated on her. She knew damn well why the hurry
-"I am. Beside, You could have done this yourself Mom."
-"But that would be illegal. There is a leash law after all."

She whipped around. She was normally soft spoken. Meekly moving from task to task without drawing attention. The exception was when she was with this woman. Her voice was like a harsh hiss.
-"That is for PETS Mom!"
Of course, she would rather have called this woman anything else at the moment. But she would act bratty until the name on the tag was used.  Mom did not look the least bit surprised at the outburst. Rather, she looked smugly amused. Her cheeks flushed with excitement from this whole ordeal. Which only made her daughter madder.

She could have understood why her mother did what she did. She had the internet, she knew some people liked to "express" themselves in bold ways. Hell, it may have, MAY HAVE, crossed her mind as an idle thought. To expose one's self in public was a common taboo. A slip, a tease, a hint of what was hidden underneath for the thrill of discovery. But THIS ? this was far too much.
-"I don't think I'll chance it dear. The fine can be rather stiff."
She scowls down at the face looking up at her. Crawling on all four without a shred of discomfort, or clothing. Her long hair draped over her shoulders. Long enough to appeal yet short enough to not be trodden on. This is what she was into. Her Mother, the "Pet Girl". That could have been embarrassing enough. But there was more. Her parent was always on all fours now. Her limbs had been modified for that. Cut at the elbow and knees so she would always be a "pet".
-"Let's get this over with. Before someone notices us"
-"I do need my exercise sweetie. I thought you enjoyed our walkies hmmmm ?"

She blushes deeper, listening for any sound of movement. People could glimpse them out of the windows above the backstreet.
-"You used to at cover up too."
-"Oh Pish posh. We're both woman here. The Little Pup is a grown girl now."
Her logic grated on her daughter. She wasn't a bad mother. Yet there were times when she would "slip into character" and become a young woman again. It bothered her more than she'd like to admit, knowing some "normal" people should could have been confused with.
-"Just get this over with." 

The two continued their walk while the sun continues to dip. A tug on leash dragged her back to the present once again.  Looking back, she saw her Mom raising her leg.  She flinches while swallowing back a groan:
-"Do you have to do that?"
If they were seen like this...
-"Sorry sweetie, I needed to go. And there was something about-"
-"NO !"
She cut her off.
-"You couldn't smell it and I doubt it wasn't a pet that isn't furry and has a tail. If you had to go, I could have taken you to a bathroom."
-"There isn't any place that lets-"
-"-that will let in pets. You know what I meant."
-"Too late. It's coming out"
Her mom's cheeks flushed as the steaming urine comes out, splashing against the light post she had been aiming for.  
-"...you know only male dogs do that, right?"
-"That would only be a problem if I were a pet, hm ?"
Her daughter shakes her head in exasperation. Turning away to let Mom finish her business. --"I'm done."
She began to walk but her mom did not move.
-"You know what I need."
As she sighs deeply, she fishes into the small baggie she had around her wrist. Silently thanking whoever would be responsible for if she doesn't need to use it. Taking out a bit of folded up toilet paper, she wipes off her mother. Seeing if she can somehow make her hand numb by will alone.
-"Thank you."
She doesn't answer. Tossing the paper to the side of the backstreet, they proceeded on without another word.

Quick story by @Wolvun Thanks!
I hope my editing skills are good, i never know how to edit dialogs.

I did that pic for fun: I just had the idea of a mother/daughter relationship, where the human pet ISN'T the one bothered by it.

Hope this pic will give you ideas or fantasies!




Oh damn. My niche


I would probably approach them and ask the daughter if I can... “pet” her pet ;)


Ugh, wtf man, I don't support you for this


This is awesome, great story


Thanks. Working on improving and expanding the setting